Bearing arms gives the person an easier way to wound or kill another person. This would result into deaths of many thousands, dying at gunpoint. Ordinary citizens should not be granted the right to bear arms as it provides an easier option to wound someone, result in countless number of deaths and provide weapons for criminals/terrorists which could aid them commit crimes.
Bearing arms gives people an easier solution to wound or kill someone. Allowing ordinary citizens to bear arms whether for self-defense or target training should not be allowed as these weapons are frequently used for the wrong reason; for example, using the weapon with the intention to wound or kill someone. Many countries that allow citizens to have the right to bear arms contain many reports on deaths from gunpoint. In USA alone, on average 10,000 people die a year due to firearms, whether the deaths are murder, from self-defense or accidents. Ordinary citizens should not be given the right to bear firearms as it provides an easier way to kill or wound someone, rather than actually help the people.
Firearms are one of the major causes of deaths in the today’s modern society, whether during wartime or peacetime. Granting ordinary citizens the right to bear arms in Australia would just add more countless deaths to the list. Ordinary citizens should not be granted firearms as this provides the firearm’s holder the power to either kill or injure or let the person go free. This is too much power for an untrained ordinary citizen to handle. If Australian citizens were to be granted the right to bear firearms, then Australia would face many countless more deaths, and it will quickly become the country’s biggest killer, just because ordinary citizens could bear firearms.
Being given the right to bear firearms would give criminals and terrorists an upper hand for committing crime and acts of terror. If people were given the right to bear arms then criminals