India remained a major center for education of the world in the ancient and medieval period, during the British Raj. India’s traditional system of knowledge system was by and large destroyed and no other alternate system was created to fill this vacuum. Presently India has emerged as a leading nation in the world. On the other side there are continuous challenges to India. According to UNESCO data ‘largest number of illiterate people of the world are in India’. In the post- independence era, numbers of steps were initiated in this direction. The preamble of Indian constitution emphasized the need for equal opportunities for the entire population of the country irrespective of caste, creed or religion. The Constitution of India in A- 21 (A), 24 and 39 of the directive principles of state policy pledges its commitment towards the cause for upliftment of children. According to A-21(a) the state shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of age of 6 to 14 years as stated by law. The Background of the Right to education
In the early 1990’s India initiated major economic reforms and intensified the process of globalization. India’s political and social life was also pressing through a phase which posed the danger of long accepted value. To enable the people to benefit in the new environment would require new designs of human resource development. For this purpose there was no other alternative except for educating the entire nation. The national policy of Education (NPE) was adopted by parliament in may 1986. The new policy lays special emphasis on the removal of disparities and to equalize educational opportunity by attending to those who have been denied equality so far .The National education system plays a positive interventionist role in the empowerment of women. The most important initiative in this