They have many rights and responsibilities Engineers have the distinct responsibility to maintain a steadfast ethical footing to ensure that each and every task is carried out with responsibly and correctly. * Responsibilities
*Conflict of interest
*Your impartial opinion and actions are expected. *Interest may interfere with professional obligation.
~ Financial and personal interest
Guidelines * Company guide lines * Ask your coworker or manager for second opinion.
Appearance of conflict of interest is already a problem * Undermines mutual trust
*Environmental ethics
Humans are part of the environment. * Safety of people
Moral standing of environment has increased * Nature considered important beyond usefulness to humans.
Animals, plants, ecosphere need to be considered.
Often conflicting goals. * Focus on humans benefit. * Focus on environmental impact.
* Rights * Rights to privacy. * Right to participate in activities of your own choosing outside of work. * Right to reasonably object to company policies without fear of retribution. * Right to due process. * Right of profession conscience * * Right to exercise professional judgement in discharging your duties. * *right to exercise this judgment in an ethical manner. * *example :right to refuse to engage in unethical behavior … * Exercising of rights may be viewed as insubordination. * Whistle blowing discloses wrongdoing in organization
International whistle blowing
External whistleblowing * Considered bad for organization and act of disloyalty. * *some legal protection. * Right conditions need