Adults should not be the only one’s required to have the health insurance children are more at risk of contracting diseases and therefore must be treated with essential medical needs. Children are not being treated as adults when it comes to health and status while unfairly being treated the same in court, as seen when many prisoners were serving life sentences without chance of parole for crimes committed when they were minors. Even in many states where death penalty is still legal prisoners can be given the death penalty for crimes committed when minors even though it goes against civil law stating death penalty is not a suitable punishment for a juvenile. These issues do not effect most children but none the less they effect a great few. One step that could be taken to solve the problem is provide further funding for families in need to support their children's need. Ways to further funding would be cut back on the tremendous number of funds invested in America’s military. In 2010 it was recorded America spent roughly 618 billion dollars on its military, coming ahead of china by 447 billion
Adults should not be the only one’s required to have the health insurance children are more at risk of contracting diseases and therefore must be treated with essential medical needs. Children are not being treated as adults when it comes to health and status while unfairly being treated the same in court, as seen when many prisoners were serving life sentences without chance of parole for crimes committed when they were minors. Even in many states where death penalty is still legal prisoners can be given the death penalty for crimes committed when minors even though it goes against civil law stating death penalty is not a suitable punishment for a juvenile. These issues do not effect most children but none the less they effect a great few. One step that could be taken to solve the problem is provide further funding for families in need to support their children's need. Ways to further funding would be cut back on the tremendous number of funds invested in America’s military. In 2010 it was recorded America spent roughly 618 billion dollars on its military, coming ahead of china by 447 billion