After doing some research I discovered the following information: Cruel and Unusual Punishment: Every inmate has the right to be free under the Eighth Amendment from inhumane treatment or anything that could be considered "cruel and unusual" punishment. Unfortunately, the Eighth Amendment did not clearly define what "cruel and unusual" punishment includes, meaning much of the definition has derived from case law. Generally speaking, any punishment that is considered inhumane treatment, like torture or abuse, or violation of a person's basic dignity may be considered cruel and unusual within the discretion of the court.
Sexual Harassment or Sex Crimes: Inmates have the right to …show more content…
These treatments are only required to be "adequate", not the best available or even the standard treatment for those outside of incarceration.
First Amendment Rights: Inmates retain basic First Amendment rights ( for example: free speech and religion), but only to the extent that the exercise of those rights do not interfere with their status as inmates.
Discrimination: Inmates have the right to be free from discrimination while imprisoned. This includes racial segregation, disparate treatment based on ethnicity or religion, or preferences based on age, among others. Do they have too many rights? or Do they not have enough? Many may feel that they have too many rights. I think that the privileges that prisoners have on different levels of imprisonment such as the county, state, and federal are very different. But on the other hand, I guess the question here is: Are privileges the same as rights. Probably not. However, I do feel that as prisoners they have too many rights and maybe that's why many of them don't mind returning on a regular basis. Many we are making them too comfortable. Now, would I feel this way if I was on the other side of this situation, I'm not sure. I would probably feel that each prisoner should have certain rights depending on the crime that they