American society was founded on Christian morals, and many fundamentalists believe the Bible takes a stance against abortion. This belief comes into direct contrast with the individual’s right to privacy. Feminists advocate for women to have the freedom to be able to make decisions about what happens to their own body. The issue of abortion has created countless protests because no matter what the government decides, either individuals or parts of society feel that their rights or morals are in question. The issue of abortion has been the cause of “riots and tumults”, despite Paine’s prediction that no problem would cause
American society was founded on Christian morals, and many fundamentalists believe the Bible takes a stance against abortion. This belief comes into direct contrast with the individual’s right to privacy. Feminists advocate for women to have the freedom to be able to make decisions about what happens to their own body. The issue of abortion has created countless protests because no matter what the government decides, either individuals or parts of society feel that their rights or morals are in question. The issue of abortion has been the cause of “riots and tumults”, despite Paine’s prediction that no problem would cause