Section - A
Group - 12
Write up # 2
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Roll Numbers: 34015 34016 34048 34122 34142
Total Words - 1623
Executive Summary
Case describes the introduction of Rin laundry detergent bar of lever Brothers Pakistan Limited. In initial days (1984) the sales of the detergent bar was far below the expectation regardless of many promotional activity of the product. General Manager Mustafa anticipated that it may be because of the vague advertisement and blue color associated with the bar. The problem may be the advertisement of Rin which portrays it as better than laundry soap so customer relates Rin from dish wash (which is considered superior product in the market).
Then in June 1986 Rin was re-launched to focus on the target group where in a new advertisement campaign was started and resizing of the product was done. Mr. Mustafa now realized that despite of achieving the satisfactory sale in 1988 Rin was primarily perceived among the customer as dish washing soap not as a laundry detergent bar. Research Bureau of Lever in 1988 had shown that approximately 65 % of the respondents (half of them were regular Rin customer) used the product for dish wash instead of laundry.
The decision problem before the Manager Mustafa was how to position Rin in the Pakistani market to build long term brand loyalty as well as a profitable business for the Levers. Rin was a non-soap detergent bar and a fabric washer that gives consumers a superior cleaning power with much less effort than other laundry bars in the market. But the main sales are coming from dish wash segment which shows that dish wash segment is easy to penetrate. Customer in this segment could be attracted towards a good product if the product delivers requisite value at appropriate price.
Establish Rin as fabric washer and launch other variant of Rin bar in the dish