What is justice? Today, where it is common for people to only look out for themselves, justice is an extremely important tool. But what exactly is justice? What is right, what is wrong, and who decides that? To find an accurate definition, we as a society should not just focus on one opinion, but the views of many. Similar to how our society is today, the society in The Republic, lived the same, struggling to determine what the correct definition of justice was, and how to pursue the right answer. In the paper, I will be discussing all aspects of Plato’s Republic, including the Philosopher King and his nature, and justice in that time.…
Law is good. Man, in his needs, has different motivations for law in his society. His secular needs require striving for justice, social stability and punishment. However, in the area of religious influence, law should promote morality so that believers can get close to god or be separated and condemned by god. As man and society evolves, the purpose of law has remained the same – to punish and deter.…
Looking up in the Merriam Webster dictionary justice is defined as "the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments". The fact that the word itself is being used for its definition explains how ambiguous the concept of justice can get. It is because of the very same reason that some time between the years of 470 to 399 BC a very well-known argument took place in Piraeus. The mentioned years are the time period that Socrates lived, the argument evolves mainly on the concept of justice and the goal is to come to an operational account for it. Throughout this argument lots of accounts are given by different participants, which all get opposed by Socrates. Two of these contributors are Thrasymachus and Glaucon. The former argues that "justice is the advantage of the stronger" while the latter argues that justice is not something practiced for its own sake (intrinsic good) but something one engages in out of fear of its consequences (extrinsic good). As seen in book one and two of Republic, Plato's…
Some people today often think about why do we have laws? and do we really need them? Frank Trippetts explains why many people today don't follow the laws he also talks about the importance of the laws. Trippetts argument is to show people why they should not break the law no matter how big or small the law is. He goes on explaining how millions of americans never think twice before breaking the law. The author's tone is critical to the millions of americans. Some people might think that the laws are unnecessary and people should be responsible enough to not do uneducated choices, they have no idea of what life would be without law.…
What is justice is a question that has plagued philosophers since the time of Plato when he wrote The Republic to present day. In the book, Plato uses the dialectic, between Socrates and other Athenians like Polemarchus, Cephalus, and Glacuon, to try and find the definition of justice. Through the voice of Glaucon, Plato defines justice as a compromise of sorts between advantage and fear, and injustice as the things that we wouldn’t…
In the tale “The ring of Gyges” the shepherd Gyges finds a magical ring within unusual bronze horse. Using this ring, he entices the queen and they collaborate to murder the king and takes control of the kingdom. Given his tale, Glaucon come to a conclusion that if similar rings were to be given to unjust man and a just man, then both of them would behave unjustly. Therefore this proves that people act justly only as an obligation by nature and he claims that all living beings aspire more than what they are actually due. This story remains vital to the society today because it covers what we can expect humans to do with authority over others. I do concur with this simile because, for instance, in politics, we give authority to others, expecting that they will do what is right. We better then, watch out because anyone who acquires power without accountability is culpable to use it unjustly. This portrays a negative image in our society as it is a vice for persons to act unjustly to others and can only…
Blood-drawing station – dedicated area of a medical laboratory or clinic equipped for performing phlebotomy procedures on patients, primarily outpatients sent by their physicians for laboratory testing…
In his philosophy, Plato places a large emphasis on the importance of the idea of justice. This emphasis can be seen especially in his work ‘The Republic’ where, through his main character Socrates, he attempts to define the nature of justice and to justify this definition. One of the methods used by Socrates to strengthen or rather explain his argument on justice is through his famous city-soul analogy, where a comparison between a just city and a just soul/individual is made. Through this analogy, Socrates attempts to explain the nature of justice, how it is the virtue of the soul and is therefore intrinsically valuable to the individual, but it becomes apparent in the analysis and evaluation of the analogy that there may have been several purposes behind it. Inconsistencies within the analogy itself also raise questions to the validity in Plato’s definition and justification of justice.…
Plato’s theory of justice is about equality and that one deserves punishment if they do commit an unjust action. During the Crito, Socrates tries to correct a lot of points that Crito is trying to argue with him about, what it means to be justice. To be justice, means a human being that does good based on the laws that are emplaced according to the state. Good people according to Socrates are only worth considering. People that do good are considered moral people, and have opinions that should be regarded because their inputs are considered to be ethically correct. Being a human of ethical virtues means that they must not do wrong. Anything that is immoral, is considered immoral. We as humans may not intervene in activities that deem to be…
Glaucon argues that it is always and only external constraints that keep us from acting unjustly. To emphasize his point, Glaucon uses an example of two men and two magic rings. Both men are given the rings in which make them invisible. Once the just man is in possession of this ring, he is able to act unjustly with no fear of retaliation, the same as the unjust man would. With this, Glaucon states that the “actions of the just would be as the actions of the unjust; they would both come at last to the same point” (526). Therefore, the just man would be no greater than the unjust man. If you are never going to receive punishment, then who truly is living the “good life?” The unjust man who never gets caught or the just one? Glaucon claims that even the most just man would behave unjustly if he had owned such ring. This point proves that people are just only because they are afraid of punishment for being unjust, not because justice is desirable in itself.…
Justice is a concept that has changed and developed throughout history. The foundation of the modern justice system in the western world began in Athens just over two thousand years ago. Many philosophers had their own conceptions about what justice truly is, however, Plato proved to be the most influential. Before Plato, many men shared Polemarchus’ belief that justice meant giving good to friends and evil to enemies. In his book, The Republic, Plato sets out to define the true definition of justice. Plato states that justice is when men to put aside irrational desires for the greater good of society. If civilization were to follow Polemarchus’ view of justice, society would become anarchy. People would punish those that have wronged them…
In the Ring of Gyges, Glaucon and Socrates argue over what justice really is. They talk about the classes of goods. The first class being some things are good no matter the consequences, such as joy (The Ring of Gyges, Plato). The second class would be things like health and knowledge, things that are desirable for their results, and the third class are things like a job, or exercise, things that are only good for their consequences (The Ring of Gyges, Plato). Glaucon places justice in the second class because he believes people seek justice only for praise and reputation. To prove his point, he tells Socrates the legend of The Ring of Gyges.…
The average person does not decide to run over innocent pedestrians or ram their car into another. So why is this? The reason being is because of the possible consequences and personal conscience. Individuals refrain from unjust manners and actions because of the penalty that they could potentially receive. If the penalty for unjust actions were removed, then there would be a lot more people partaking in said unjust actions.…
Laws in our society are supposed to keep us safe and help us make good decisions, but what if those laws go against our moral judgements? Decisions are often based on what a person feels is right and what society deems to be correct. Laws help make the world feel safer, but they can also stop people from doing what they think is right. Making decisions based on morality can often have adverse effects, but making these decisions can help a person identify themselves and their own moral compass. In Mark Twain’s…
This establishes that whether or not Socrates originally believes his punishment is right, by staying in Athens his entire life, he made a commitment to follow the law-being just-therefore, if he is accused of breaking the law and is convicted by the courts of Athens, which represent the law, then he must complete his sentence, or else he is only becoming more unjust. Socrates later decides that although he could escape, it is better to try and do the right thing, despite having done unjust things in the past, and ultimately decides to carry out his punishment. This passage also further examines the gray area within the idea of just and unjust by saying that following the laws is just; however, the people of the court who determine which acts are within the bounds the laws and which acts are not, are also biased according to their own personal perceptions, meaning no human truly knows the intransigent definitions of what is just and what is unjust.…