Chad T. Griffin
October 29, 2012
Faith Ibarra
The Rise and Fall of America
What do you think of when you hear of the United States has come to the help of a failing or corrupt nation? When I hear that I think oh great, we are now involved in another war. We have become such a failed and unreliable state. This can be seen on how the United States has fell behind other nations due to failing schools, failing foreign police and the technology age. Today I will explain to you how failing diplomatic missions, financial crisis and previous lessons learned have shaped our international standings today and how they continue to fall.
In recent memory, the United States crumbled our enemies and broke …show more content…
We are feeling the effect of the corruptness of our own economy by our own debt as a nation and the current weak financial image we broadcast throughout the world as the world’s leading financial market. The consensus I got over the previous year being abroad in the midst of Australians, Canadians and the British is we as Americans are the World’s Police Force. Team America is no longer just a movie title but a reality amongst the world’s most powerful organizations and countries. Even a simple bombing campaign in Libya during the fall of Muammar Gaddafi couldn’t exist without the majority of American airpower and munitions. When we take a step back and do not intervene, we have atrocities and needless civil war and unrest such as Syria. We refuse to act due to the United Nations inability to quell fighting and the fact no one respects the United Nations abilities and capabilities. Until we get the world’s powers at an equal playing level, it weakens our abilities due to have to take care of the world’s populations versus our own problems at home such as education, hunger and the ever growing problems of obesity within our recent