To: Urban Planning Department
From: Name
Subject: Rise of Temperature in Urcity
Introduction Agricultural areas all over the world are feeling the effects of suburb expansion. The cities growth is having an effect on the ability of land, water, and animals. With city growth will create problems such as climate, land, and geographical changes (Hillel, 1995).
Critical Findings The agricultural areas of UrCity are being forced further out into the desert basin due to the suburb expansion. There is an increased demand for fertile lands to raise animals and crops. As the city is growing and pushing out into the desert basin the temperature to the grow the crops in will be hotter and less fertile ("What Is Agriculture?", 2005). There is a decreasing of the water supply because of the area being a desert area. This may be caused by the rise in UrCity’s temperatures and the change in weather patterns. With the temperature raising and the vegetation becoming scarce there will be a problem finding certain animals (Hillel, 1995)
Various Types of Agriculture When cities continue to grow the question may be asked how the hotter area will affect the climate, food supply, and animal habitat. Predicting the future of UrCity and its growth harming the course of agriculture must be looked into. Different types of agriculture, whether conventional or sustainable, are affected by the climate in the region. Chemicals from the growing industry, automobile use, and other mean of pollution, will affect the climate and pollute the ground water, rivers, and streams in the area. Various crops such as corn, wheat, soy beans, etc. can be affected by the climate change of rising temperatures due to pollution from the city (Hillel, 1995). With the growth of the city and the stripping of the natural environment, the plants are vulnerable to disease. The growth of the city may cause soil erosion. As the forest and farm land are destroyed many animals will