What were Hitler’s main contributions towards the Nazi’s between 1924-1932?
After being released from German prison 4 years early Hitler turned his attentions to regaining the control of the Nazi’s. While Hitler was in Prison the Nazi party basically fell and needed vast reforms. By February 1925 Hitler basically formed the Nazi’s again based on a new set of principles ( Fühererprinzip). This involved changing everything about the Nazi party from structure to tactics. With this new power Hitler introduced a lot of changes. The most iconic being the right armed salute he brought to the Nazi’s as well as the Brown shirts for his SA and a redesign of the Nazi flag. As well as this Hitler gain the Nazi’s many followers through his powerful public speaking, he used Propaganda to appeal to everyone from the rich industrialists to the masses.
Hitler told people what they wanted to hear, although he couldn't necessarily deliver on these promises it gained the Nazi’s followers in the short term.
How did the Nazi’s become better Organised?
One key element that Hitler brought to the Nazi’s was the importance of organisation. The party was organised into areas. Each of these areas was led by its local head. This role wsas named the “GAULEITER”. Each of the leaders had been personally apointed by Hitler himself, therefore he could examine the persons dedication to the Nazi’s and ensure the party would folllow his orders. This role was so important because of the freedom that was given to each of the Gauleiter’s. Altough Hitler had ultimate control the head of an area could personalise the party to how they felt would gain the most support. Each of the leaders was required to keep in personal contact with almost every member of his area. This way the Nazi party was one that was portayed as personal and caring. Hilter believed that if a person had a speaker come to them or their local town hall then they would be more likely to