The Boston Massacre
John Adams * His response when he first walked out of his home was almost confusion and then when he found out what had happened he was almost dismayed at what the British had done. During the trail Quincy comes in with the man explaining how he personally knows Captain Thomas and believes he is being arrested and tried under false charge. * External conflict: The information given to John about the riot arrangement appears to be true dismaying his thoughts of the British. * Internal conflict: John doesn’t want to believe that someone could possible arrange a massacre like that, especially the British.
Thomas Gage * Gage is discussing the riot with Governor Hutchinson and they both have two different opinions towards it. Gage want’s to catch the culprits and punish then, while Hutchinson days they can’t be helped. * External conflict: He tries to voice his opinion while remembering he is speaking to the governor. * Internal conflict: He is not seeing eye to eye with the gov. making it hard to get what he wants done.
Governor Hutchinson * His outlook on the massacre is more freeing. He thinks the men who started it cannot be helped so why bother to try. * No internal conflict, but his external would be his difference of opinion with Gage.
Ben Franklin * Franklin finds it ridiculous that colonists are killing one another like that. He thinks the foolish event was at the hands of Sam Adams * Internal conflict: Franklin doesn’t really know who to exactly blame for this event. * External conflict: Johnsons pushes his beliefs of hanging involved colonist and soldiers franklin doesn’t know whether to agree or not.
Townshend Acts/ Destruction of Gaspee
John Adams * The Gaspee was sailed to seize cargo from any ship without the British flag. The captain Duddington soon came to realize the ship was unlucky when they crashed ashore; Duddington and his first mate were sent afloat and the Gaspee burnt to the ground. In later time the English were blamed for the Gaspee’s defat ashore. * Adams is quite unsatisfied when the parliament repeals the Townshend Acts. He believed that if give enough troops he could have put down all the riots. * Internal conflict: I feel Adams is frustrated but, especially by Sam Adams, I fell like Sam is always trying to start a fight. * External conflict: Hutchinson is just letting Samuel interrupt him and talk to him in such a manner that is almost disrespectful and towards the end of the chapter Samuel tells John he is now a son of liberty.
Ben Franklin * During Strahan and Franklin’s conversation, Franklin confides he doesn’t really see the point in all this fight, because on man cannot change much anyway. So his conflict would be both external and internal, him trying to figure out the purpose.
Thomas Gage * After the Gaspee incident the there was no policy to come out of England, so Gage used that to his advantage and sailed there on the Earl of Dunmore.
Boston Tea Party
John Adams * John get hinted about the Boston Tea Party thought his chapter, not huge ones. But, good enough clue to where he could imply something. He kinda deals with internal and external conflicts thought this chapter. He does come to the realization that his ship either must be sunk or destroyed by the navy.
Ben Franklin * Franklin’s first reaction to the tea dump was to attend the meeting in the tavern. * Internal conflict: as he sips his tea in his office, he thinks of the salt water. The gutsy men dressed as Indians and realize no one will be convicted. * External conflict: He remembers to verbal attacks set towards him back in the tavern and realizes the thick skin he must have to be a public official.
Thomas Gage * He first found the tea dumping to be a shocking act of action, then he came to realize that he had to step it up, being commander and chief to the king. As Gage talks to the king they both start to agree on the idea of Rebellion. * Internal conflict: At the end of the chapter Gage receives a letter stating he has been given his four regiments, when discussing this with the king earlier on he thought he was merely joking, but gage soon comes to find he was not. * External conflict: while discussing the living situation with his wife Gage receives a letter explaining he’s received his four regiments and is to sail immediately to Boston, as the new governor.
Boston Port Closing
John Adams * Boston streets deserted with hostile British soldiers always guarding them. Word came about complaint meetings of anger in other colonies. He is told he has to go to Philadelphia, * Internal conflicts: He has the worry of moving his family and the closed ports at the same time. * External conflicts: He finds himself in Philadelphia surrounded by thirteen other colnies trying to voice their appeals.
1st Continental Congress
John/Sam Adams * Sam tries to tell John the congress is like a competition. Sep. 6th Gages troops marched out, rumors quickly spread they had fired on citizens. The rumors were completely false; John Adams was not at the convention, Sam wasn’t elected.
Ben Franklin
• Ben mostly tried to stay of out the public eye, his only tie was Strahan. We soon come to find out Franklin is getting very old. He is starting to get achy while his bones grow weaker. Towards the end of the chapter a petition for the continental congress arrives. Lord Chatham himself comes to visit Franklin; he tries to get Franklin to stop the civil war that may start. Later that night Franklin presents the speech he wrote at the House of Lords. Once the vote was tailed Chatham’s plea was silenced. He later on receives a letter from his son explain his well-being and the sad death of his wife, this is when he decides to go ahead to Philadelphia
Lexington & Concord
Thomas Gage •
John Adams • Went to Lexington to see what could be done about British forces invading all over the countryside. While wander through the grass and searching for signs of blood and war he recalls that first sigh of blood in the snow, with Boston massacre many years ago. John then thinks of how Gage will blame this loss of life on everyone but himself and the government will take it. He then thinks of how he will make it known in Philly that this is war.
Olive Branch Petition
Ben Franklin * It was up to the Olive Branch petition for the future of congress, without it, todays wouldn’t exist. Dickenson goes onto make a strong speech about the turmoil these colonies have been going through and how the king is the only one that can truly stop it
John Adams *
The Declaration of independence
John Adams * While lee’s resolution had dramatic impact on congress, five men were chosen for the task John Adams, Ben Franklin, Robert Livingston, Roger Sherman and Thomas Jefferson. To the English people and foreign governments, a message of the passion and dedication of the American people.
Ben Franklin * In Franklin’s last chapter is basically the concept of the creation and writing of the declaration of independence. In that process they all vote on the resolution state by state. When the motion is carried the room breaks out into a thunderous roar of the delegates. They end the chapter by talk of these words spreading from mountains to oceans, reaching to every person and a sham of an army would try to mount it.
Washington *