Hi I’m am and I going to write about the control measure and the outcomes. This will include the procedures that will be taken to limit or stop accidents from happening throughout the two sports I have chosen. This will go along with the Risk assessment sheet.
Hazard One- Number of players on the pitch. This could lead to many collisions and players running into each other. The control measure for this would be to limit the teams to 11 v 11 as this would provide more room for players to move e.g. Also less numbers the better.
Hazard two- Frozen pitch. If the pitch is too hard then do not let the football commence. Players could cut themselves from sliding if the ground is hard. The control measure we would take for this is to check the pitch 20 minutes before. This will help you make a decision whether the ground is suitable enough or not to play on.
Hazard three- Is there anything on the pitch? If the pitch contains glass, ice or even rubbish this could led to injury through slipping, falling or cuts. The best way to control this would be too check pitch scanning is closely for any small objects that could harm once found or seen then you should pick it up and place it away from pitch. This will prevent cuts and bruise or even worse.
Hazard four- Right footwear worn? Players should were right footwear e.g. studs. If players fail to do this they could slip and awkwardly fall and hurt themselves. To prevent this check all players footwear individually rubbing up studs checking for loose ones. This will prevent players from slipping.
Hazard five- Protection (shin guards) Players should at all times wear shin protection. If the players fail to do this they could take a stud to the shin and be seriously injured or fracture a bone. Check players shins making sure they are wearing shin guards doing this will prevent a high risked accident happening to the shin area.
Hazard six- Is the changing area safe? Check changing area