There are 5 steps for a correct risk assessment:
The first step is to identify the hazard and it’s the most important aspect of the risk assessment.
Hazards around the workplace will need to be identified. This can be done by looking around, walking around the setting and look for a hazard. You will have to look about the activities, processes or substances used or carried that could injure someone in the setting or harm their health.
The second step is to see who will be harmed or injured and how. You will have to decide who might get harmed or injured by the hazards for example staff members, visitors or the service users. You have to be clear about who might be harmed or injured by the hazard. This will be really helpful to control the risk. This can be done by identifying the group of people that could get harm or injure.
The third step is to evaluate the risk, how dangerous the hazard is, by identifying the level of risk and what to do about it. You cannot eliminate every risk, but most of it. You will have to decide how likely it is that harm will occur from the hazard. You can maybe test the hazard and see how dangerous is to people.
The fourth step is to make a