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Table of Contents
References: Abrahamsson,P. Warstab,J. Siponen, M.T and Ronkainen,J. (2003). New Directions on Agile Methods: A Comparative Analysis Balasubramanium, R. Cao,L. Mohan,K. and Xu,P. (October 2006). Can distributed Software Development be Agile?, Communications of the ACM, Vol Boehm, B. (1988). A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement, IEEE. Boehm, B. (January 1991). Software Risk Management: Principles and Practices, IEEE Software, Volume 8 Issue 1. Brooks, F.P.(April 1987) No Silver Bullet, IEEE Computer 20. Caramel,E. (1999). Global software teams: Collaborating Across Borders and Time Zones: Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, USA. Charatte, R. (1989).Software engineering risk analysis and management, McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York, NY, USA,1989 Cooper,D.R., & Schindler,P.S. (2003), “Business Research Methods”, Tata McGraw Hill Englund, H Erickson,J. Lytinen,K. & Siau, K. (2005). Agile Modeling, Agile Software Development, and Extreme Programming: The State of Research, Journal of Database Management, 16(4), p Fowler,M. (n.d) Using an Agile Software Process with Offshore development”, Retrieved from http://martinfowler.com/articles/agileOffshore.html, July 2006 on March 10, 2010 Guntamukka.V, Wen,H.J, Tarn. M. (2006) An empirical study of selecting software development life cycle models Herbsleb, J.D. & Moitra, D. (2001). Global Software Development, IEEE Software, March/April, USA, 16-20 Hneif, M. Hockow, S. (2009) Review of Agile Methodologies in Software Development. Hulett D.T. (2001). Key Characteristics of a Mature Risk Management Process. Proceedings of the European Project Management Conference/PMI Europe 2001. Jalali S., Wohlin C. (2010) Agile Practices in Global Software Engineering – A Systematic Map”, 5th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering. Jim´enez M., Piattini M., Vizca´ıno A (2009). Review Article : Development: A Systematic Review, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Advances in Software Engineering, Volume 2009, Kahkonen, T. & Abrahamsson,P.(2003) Digging into the Fundamentals of Extreme Programming: Building the Theoretical Base for Agile Methods, Proceedings of the 29th Krishna, S. Sahay, S. & Walshman, G. (2004). Merging cross cultural issues in global software outsourcing, Communications of the ACM, vol 47, no Lehtonen, I. (2009). Communication Challenges in Agile Global Software Development, University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science. Lings,B. Lundell,B. Ågerfalk,P.J and Fitzgerald,B. (2007). A reference model for successful Distributed Development of Software Systems, International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE 2007). Lyytinen,K. Mathiassen,L. & Ropponen,J. (1996) A framework for software risk management, J.