Ebonie Franks
University of Phoenix
Risk Management Assessment Paper The effort to decrease and evaluate risks to patients, staff, and organizational resources within a health care institution is defined as health care risk management. In order for facilities to minimize financial loss is to reduce accidents and injuries. All health care facilities and providers put risk management in to practice on a continuing basis. In 1985, the senior officers of the The Health and Human Services (DHHS) decided that there was a need to implement policies and procedures on risk management and risk assessment. There was a considerable amount of concern about how the advances in risk management and risk assessment in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would somehow affect the DHHS. In this article there was a philosophy of risk. This philosophy gave the actions that should be considered when putting the philosophy into action. 1. “Identify hazards that pose risks to public health and well-being. 2. Manage risks associated with the identified hazards in a manner that is prudent and in concert with the public's need. 3. Acknowledge the essential participation of the public. 4. Communicate risks understandably to both experts and lay persons. 5. Whenever possible, use information that makes it possible to arrive at an informed estimate of risk. 6. Manage each significant risk through an approach that gives full consideration to alternative actions to control the hazard. 7. Advance the processes of risk assessment and risk management by research that reduces uncertainties" (Johnson, 2003). One typical risk of the Department of Health and Human Services would be someone giving out personally identifiable information. Because the Department of Health and Human Services “is responsible for managing the information it stores, processes, and transmits in
References: CDC. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2011, from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Your Online Sources for Credible Health Information: www.cdc.gov The Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2011, from www.hhs.gov Johnson, B. L. (2003). Offspring of red book: The euthanized DHHS white paper. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 9(5), 1307. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/docview/200154863?accountid=35812 NRC (National Research Council). 1983. Risk Assessment in the Federal Government: Managing the Process, p 191. National Academy Press, Washington DC, USA