As the Chief Compliance Officer it is very important that business associates (covered entities) make a supreme effort to ensure the safe keeping of a patient’s health information. Considering three key areas that will affect the decision whether a hospital receives its accreditation consist of the release of information, protection of privacy/maintenance of confidentiality/protection of data security, and management of sensitive health information. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) requires this privacy and security rules including 18 types of identifiers for individuals must be secured at all times to include Electronic protected health information (ePHI).…
This case study protected sensitive patient information was comprised during the e-mail security breach. The Kaiser Permanente leadership reacted quickly to mitigate the damage of the breach because the company was non-compliant with good information security practice and regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) which established standards for the…
Patient privacy and security is one of the most important aspects of the St. Johns Hospital code of conduct, they take pride in the sound policies and procedures set to maintain customer confidentiality. Each employee is held to a high standard of maintaining the highest level of privacy and confidentiality when it comes to patient health information (PHI). This paper will outline the plan that St. John’s hospital has created in case of a security breach or security threat in the facility. The primary cause of a security breach is usually related to the people or business side of and organization (Rhoades, MBA, RHIA, CHPS, CPHIMS, FHIMA, 2009).…
The reason the investigation was conducted was to gauge what was both good and bad about the new café opening, what needs to be changed in order to increase efficiency at work and any legislative laws involved.…
Within the culture of the St. John Health System (SJHS), risk management is considered the responsibility of every SJHS associate, from the CEO to the maintenance man. Each associate has an obligation to perform their jobs safely and to eliminate or at least minimize the risk of harm to any resident, visitor, or employee. The collection and utilization of data is also essential to a successful risk management program. Effective risk managers recognize the importance of data which may be used to identify residents at risk for falls, wounds, and infections for instance. When carefully collected and analyzed, this information may help the LTC manager identify at risk residents and target the resources needed to address their issues. Sources of data include the minimum data set (MDS) that provides information about residents resulting from multidisciplinary assessments. This information is also used for Medicare reimbursement, standards that identify the facility’s quality of care, and for state…
In this organization a continuous quality improvement committee meets every morning to go over every new patient, patients that are due for their quarterly or annual review, and any patients that have had any issues over the last 24 hours. The committee works together…
Pizza rush is a large take-away company in Australia with a total of to take-away stores scattered in all major cities nationwide…
The Integrated Distributors Incorporated is a publically traded company that is facing many challenges. The company’s Information technology infrastructure has been ignored and many of its operating locations are running outdated hardware and software, which greatly increases the risk to the network in relations to confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Because of the outdated hardware and software, the company suffered some network compromises through their JV internet site and it led to disclosures of sensitive and strategic information.…
The metrics that best work to measure Xemba Translations performance on this project is project diagnostic metrics. While not all risks of a project can be mitigated, using this objective data based on these metrics will make a huge difference to mitigate risk. Using diagnostic project metrics is like using a thermometer to assess the projects current status. This can help eliminate or mitigate the issue before it becomes unmanageable at the close of the project. This can help avoid the, should have, could have, would have moments that may happen once the project closes and gets reviewed from a retrospective project metric. With the diagnostic project metric when an issue does arise a contingency plan can be created if there is a trend toward a major risk as well. Diagnostic project metrics use current project statistics to gage where the project stands throughout the work of the project. This allows the project manager the ability to make better decisions along the route of the project to mitigate risk. Metrics that help improve the decision making, help aid to lower the risk of any project. Diagnostic metrics are comparative measures. The metrics compare a baseline (usually set at time of planning the project) to current project actuals. The actuals are compared to an earned value figure that is determined by where the project should be at that exact moment in time according to the project schedule. These diagnostic metrics will use the actual cost, earned value, and planned value to evaluate schedule variance, schedule performance, cost performance, and cost variance. Schedule performance and schedule variance will evaluate the earned value against the planned value. This will help show if the project is currently on schedule, or if not is it over or under schedule and by how much. Cost variance and cost schedule will reveal how the project is performing compared to the current cost and planned budget. These values will help the project manager assess if the…
Tokyo is 216.6743. The yen rate in New York is given in the preceding table. Are arbitrage profits possible? Set up an arbitrage scheme with your capital. What is the gain (loss) in dollars?…
Health Information Exchange (HIE) refers to the process of reliable and interoperable electronic health-related information sharing conducted in a manner that protects the confidentiality, privacy, and security of the information. Electronic health information exchange (HIE) allows doctors, nurses, pharmacists, other health care providers and patients to appropriately access and securely share a patient’s vital medical information electronically—improving the speed, quality, safety and cost of patient care. Despite the widespread availability of secure electronic data transfer, most Americans’ medical information is stored on paper—in filing cabinets at various medical offices, or in boxes and folders in patients’…
My choose for a targeted healthcare organization is the VA New Jersey Health Care System, which is a non-profit government healthcare organization that consist of two large campuses’ located in New Jersey. The campus is Lyons Medical Center located in Lyons, NJ and the VA Hospital located in East Orange, NJ. The VA New Jersey Health Care System is dedicated in providing care to veterans based on their needs ranging from outpatient to inpatient care in an array of various surgical, acute care, and specialty medical services and programs, such as cardiovascular and infectious disease, mental health, and rehabilitation therapy (U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 2015).…
The candidate does not develop a social responsibility strategy for the chosen client that includes an environmental considerations and recommendations component.…
According to the Risk Management section of Wells Fargo’s 2011 Annual Report, to be successful they manage and control three major business risks: credit, asset/liability, and market risk. As for this paper, I’m only going to discuss about their credit and interest rate risk, which is managed under their asset/liability section. Wells Fargo has continued to invest in its risk infrastructure especially since it is a larger and more complex company than before it merged with Wachovia. Wells Fargo’s Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Risk Officer, Michael Loughlin states that they have three lines of defense for managing the risks:…
A large number of people use the healthcare service daily and a majority of them receive safe and high-quality care, however things can go wrong and mistakes can be made. Recently a high number of high profile cases, detailing neglect, show that there is still a lot more we can do to ensure the safety of all individuals when using the healthcare service. As a healthcare scientist, it is our responsibility and duty to ensure that all individuals receive the safest and highest quality of care.…