Gadjah Mada University
MARKETing management
Designing and managing services
Case Study : Ritz-Carlton Hotels
Lecture : Prof. Dr. Basu Swastha Dharmmesta, M.B.A
Group 4
Anne Stam [Student Exchange]
Febrini Wulandari 08/277511/PEK/12841
Irwan Arfandi Bachtiar 08/277521/PEK/12851
Case Summary
Ritz-Carlton Hotels, California, USA
Ritz-Carlton is a brand of luxury hotel and resort with 70 properties that are located in major cities and exclusive resort destinations of 23 countries worldwide. The Ritz-Carlton brand is managed by the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company LLC, a subsidiary of Marriott International. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company has currently 32,000 employees. The Ritz-Carlton headquarters are found in Chevy Chase, Maryland, a community along the border of Washington, D.C.. Ritz-Carlton redefining again 5 New Gold Standard, is primarily intended to help managers, owners, and leaders understand the driving principles, processes, and practices that have generated unusual staff loyalty, world-class customer engagement, and significant brand equity for Ritz-Carlton.
People are spending a lots of money now, they are looking for luxury, finest, comfortable, warm, relaxed and others great facilities from living for a while in hotels, Ritz-Carlton have to provide it as they services.
Simon F. Cooper, president and chief operating officer, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C., said
“Over the years we have been approached by many authors seeking to write about our company and examine the methodology we have used to make The Ritz-Carlton brand one of the most frequently recognized and critically acclaimed luxury names in the world. Only when Dr. Michelli came to us with his vision for telling the story did we agree to provide unprecedented levels of access to our Ladies and Gentlemen and customers. We believe sharing what we have learned will provide valuable lessons