Programme: Professional Diploma in Management
Module Title: The Management Environment
Module Session: February - April 2014
Credits accrued for satisfactory completion of this module: 15
Weighting of this assignment for obtaining module credits: 100%
The Assignment Question:
First, read the accompanying case study, ‘Riverside Aluminium’. Then provide a SWOT analysis of the company using this framework. After conducting the SWOT analysis, explain whether you consider that it is appropriate or inappropriate as a structure for analysis. Your assignment should conclude with a discussion of how useful you feel the outcome of this analysis would be for decision making relating to Riverside’s future strategy.
NB Information in the case is likely to be insufficient and you will be expected to conduct your own research. Remember that digital resources at the David Wilson’s Library can and should be used to help you with the assignment. Look for the “Management” under
“Subject Room” here
Deadline: 30 April 2014
The analysis should:
begin with a brief introduction outlining the aims and the structure of the assignment; move into a discussion which is organised into subsections – one for each element of the SWOT framework - which assesses the evidence in the case study and/or your own research;
conclude with a summary of key arguments made, identify the most important issues likely to arise in the immediate future (and explain why that is the case) and a response to the question above regarding the usefulness of your analysis for strategic decision making.
The assignment should:
be word-processed, double-spaced throughout, in point 12 size font, left justified, with standard margins (at least 2.5 cm on all sides), with all pages consecutively numbered; be formally structured, i.e. divided into sections (and, if necessary, subsections) with