He also studied in Sto. Tomas and Ateneo
Rizal could no longer bear the discrimination in University of Sto. Tomas thus he decided to go abroad. His purposes are : to finish hi medical studies, to study liberalism, culture, and what kind of government do other countries have.
On May 3, 1882, Rizal left Philippines for the first time to Spain. He boarded the Salvadora using a passport of Jose Mercado, which was procured for him by his uncle Antonio Rivera, father of Leonor Rivera. He use this name due to not so good publicity of their family name and on May 9, 1882 Rizal arrived at Singapore.
May 11, 1882-- In Singapore, Rizal boarded the boat Djemnah to continue his trip to Spain. He found the boat clean and well kept.
This is the picture of Singapore’s Botanical gardens happens to be Rizal’s favorite destination in Singapore. In his diary he observed the garden’s, “cleanliness and orderliness…numerous plants with labels beside them”. In his second visit to the islands he also made fascinating notes – which only goes to illustrate his passion in botany. Pepe was said to have visited Singapore’s botanical garden three times, even in one of his shortest stopover to the port colony he still managed to find time to see it. This is the reason why the Singaporean authorities originally wanted to erect the plaque of Rizal [part of their program called “friends to our shores”] in the garden but later decided to put it in the greens of Asian Civilization Museum,
On May 17, 1882, Rizal arrived at Punta de Gales and went to Colombo.
Rizal Suite - Number 305, Grand Oriental
References: Instructor March 06, 2013