“A hero is a man who is afraid to run away - (English Proverb)”. Indeed, a man who has a brave heart would not choose to run away but instead give the good fight he can give. Truly, Rizal deserves to be the hero of this Country. Like what Zaide wrote “He (Rizal) was not quarrelsome by nature, but he never ran away from a fight”.
Every hero has its own exemplary deeds but for me, Rizal, is one of the best Heros because of his patriotic services in his country. From his writings to his good communications with other people, foreign or Filipino, he proved to be the best man living in his time and until now. I was so amazed by his bravery that though he already knows that what he plans to do would might lose his head. I so can’t imagine that I will do such exemplary thing to my fellowmen like what Rizal did especially to Dapitan when he was an exile.
I consider him my hero because I was deeply touched by his writings, through his writings I was awakened by some of his noble thoughts. Though he is not revolutionary in nature he knows what to do to make this country free from Spanish tyranny and I consider that he is not imprudent because I know he already think what might happen and if that never happen he would accept it. I admire of how he handle things, somehow.
Rizal is the hero of the poor Filipino that is hungry for freedom while he’s my hero because he thought me to be the best that I can be. Though he is intelligent in nature and I am not that so, I was inspired to excel in any ways that I can be as what his theme in his poem “To the Filipino Youth”, “Grow, O Timid Flower”. He is a remarkable one and I am not, but through reading and discovering more of him I learned that he did not consider himself as a very noble person but he did what he can do in this country. I learned that you don’t have to look over what you can’t do in this country but look what you can do in this country. A simple good deed to your fellow men is truly