1.0 Title 2
2.0 Acknowledgment 2
3.0 Introduction 2
4.0 Problem Background 3
5.0 Problem Statement 4
6.0 Research Aims & Objectives 4
6.1 To build a system for managing downloads while browsing. 4
6.2 To enable user activity logging feature which involve user to track bandwidth usage and limit download feature. 5
6.3 To make users feasible while approaching the tool and provide a best browsing experience. 5
7.0 Research Questions 6
7.1 Domain Research Question 6
7.2 Technical Research question 6
8.0 Research Design 6
9.0 Personal Reflection 7
10.0 References 7
1.0 Title
Dynamic Browsing Tool
2.0 Acknowledgment
This module is pre request for our final year project. Hence working on the assignment. I have faced some difficulties and obstacles. When go through deep research, tend to solve all hardships. On the other hand, in the progress of completing this assignment my lecturer and internet sources help me to come up with a good concept.
Therefore I would like to submit my sincere appreciation to my lecturer MR. MUEEN UDDEN .Continuously support me and guiding me through the assignment work. I believe without him I couldn’t reached an appropriate concept. Besides that, I would like to thank to my collage (APU) to allow me to use library resources which lead me to choose a proper title to my project.
3.0 Introduction Nowadays internet plays a crucial role in society. One of the most supremacy tool which grabbed primarily school students to leaders of a nation. Hence it covers schools, business companies, organizations, broadcast Medias and etc. beyond that to get the internet service people are connected to an internet service provider (ISP), and they are the one who integrate people and internet. There are three types of broadband packages are provided by ISP which are unlimited, semi limited and limited packages. There are few issues regarding semi limited and limited packages which to maintain the available quota provided
References: Google Books, (2014). Patent US20040117785 - Component download manager for a wireless mobile station and method of operation. [online] Available at: http://www.google.com/patents/US20040117785 [Accessed 17 Jul. 2014]. Google Books, (2014). Patent US5701451 - Method for fulfilling requests of a web browser. [online] Available at: http://google.com/patents/US5701451 [Accessed 17 Jul. 2014]. Google Books, (2014). Patent US7814023 - Secure download manager. [online] Available at: http://www.google.com/patents/US7814023 [Accessed 17 Jul. 2014]. CNET, (2014). FlashGet. [online] Available at: http://download.cnet.com/FlashGet/3000-2071_4-10969751.html [Accessed 17 Jul. 2014]. Labigalini, G. (2008). MyDownloader: A Multi-thread C# Segmented Download Manager - CodeProject. [online] Codeproject.com. Available at: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/21053/MyDownloader-A-Multi-thread-C-Segmented-Download-M [Accessed 17 Jul. 2014]. Markton, B. (2014). Internet Download Manager. [online] CNET. Available at: http://download.cnet.com/Internet-Download-Manager/3000-2071_4-10071618.htm [Accessed 17 Jul. 2014]. eHow, (2014). The Advantages & Importance of Web Browsers | eHow. [online] Available at: http://www.ehow.com/info_10034996_advantages-importance-browsers.html/ [Accessed 16 jun. 2014]. HTML5 Rocks - A resource for open web HTML5 developers, (2011). How Browsers Work: Behind the scenes of modern web browsers - HTML5 Rocks. [online] Available at: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/internals/howbrowserswork/ [Accessed 16 jun. 2014]. Ibm1130.net, (2014). I/O Interrupts. [online] Available at: http://www.ibm1130.net/functional/IOInterrupts.html/ [Accessed 17 Jul. 2014]. InTechgrity, (2009). 5 Tips to lower your broadband usage over internet – Avoid unnecessary downloads - InTechgrity. [online] Available at: http://www.intechgrity.com/5-tips-to-lower-your-broadband-usage/# [Accessed 17 Jul. 2014]. Internetdownloadmanager.com, (2014). Internet Download Manager Features: reliability, high speed, and 24h support. [online] Available at: http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/features.html/ [Accessed 17 Jul. 2014]. profile, V. (2009). MY TECH BLOG: Major Qualities of a Web Browser. [online] My-tech-tutorials.blogspot.com. Available at: http://my-tech-tutorials.blogspot.com/2009/03/major-qualities-of-web-browser.html/ [Accessed 17 Jul. 2014].