‘A thing of beauty is joy forever.’
Anything that is beautiful, easily attract favorable attention of everyone. So beautification is indeed very important. Among many beautification concern city beautification is a common phenomena in recent days. Dhaka City Corporation as well as many other public and private organizations have joined hands together for the beautification of Dhaka city.
For beautifying the city DCC has developed many water fountain sculptures and garden in different important sites of the city. Every year, DCC allocates more then one crore taka for the city beautification program. The Nagar Bhaban and other important places are decorated and lighted on different special and national days of the country.
Private organization most significantly commercial banks largely adopting various city beautifications project in recent times. As city beautification is an important part of CSR activities every organization should come forward to beautify Dhaka city.
Dhaka Bank, City Bank, Dutch Bangla Bank, Agrani Bank, Brac Bank, Unilever, British American Tobacco and so many organizations are playing an important role to beautify the city.
Zero point to Paltan
II. Means of City Beautification
We city dwellers see several form of Dhaka city beautification. Some of them are very attractive and nice to see. Besides informal means for beautification also enhances the beauty of Dhaka city. There are some common forms of city beautification as follows-
✓ Tree Plantation: Tree plantation is the most common form of road beatification in Dhaka city. It is also environment friendly as well as good looking. There are several public and private organizations that conducted mass tree plantations usually beautiful and long lasting trees are planted in the road sides.
✓ Beautiful Billboard: Now a days, it is called that Dhaka is a city of billboards. It is really true that Dhaka is covered with