Hai friends, teachers and the judges on the dice my name is kd from 10 ‘a’. I am here to give you a small speech about road safety.
Road safety refers to method and measure for reducing the risk of a person using the road network being killed or seriously injured.
Road traffic crashes are one of the World’s largest public health and injury prevention problems. According to World’s Health Organization, more than a million people are killed on the world’s road each year. A report published by the WHO in 2004 estimated that some 1.2 million people were killed and 50 million injured in traffic collisions on the road around children 10-19 years of age.
Most of the roads crowned that is, made so that they have rounded surfaces, to reduce standing water and ice, primarily to prevent frost damage but also increasing traction in poor weather.
Poor road surface can lead to safety problems. Lane markers in some countries and states are marked with Cat’s eye or Botts dot, bright reflector that do not fade like paint. Turning across traffic poses several risks.
Pedestrians and cyclist are among the most vulnerable road users and in some countries over half of all road deaths.
During the 1990s a new approach, known as ‘sharped space’ was developed which removed many features in some places has attracted the attention of authorities around the world. The approach was developed by Hans Monderman who believed that ‘‘if you treat drivers like idiots, they act like idiots’’ and proposed that trusting drivers to behave was more successful than forcing them to behave. Major highways including motors, freeways, Autobahnen and Interstates are designed for safety high-speed operation and generally have lower levels of injury per vehicle km than other roads.