Claim: Rob Portman (a candidate for senate running against the video's supporter, Ted Strickland) should not be elected to senate because of his "blocking of common-sense gun safety laws" and his vote to "allow suspected terrorists to buy guns".
Evidence: Rob portman voted against a democratic party proposed ammendment to put a ban on sale of guns to terrorists or suspected terrorists.
Underlying Assumption: It is assumed in the advertisment that the vote against his party was indeed the result of Portman's willingness to allow guns to be sold to those suspected of terrorism.
Strengths: The ad is strong in its emotional appeal, and the soldier speaking gives credibility
to the ad in the viewer's eyes.
Problems: The ad's assumption is false. The vote against the democratic amendment was not because of his belief that terrorists should be able to freely buy guns, but because he voted in favor of a republican version of the legislation instead, one that involved more due process and was created by his own party.
(note: I wanted to avoid presidential campaign ads, I hope this is ok)