Jamie Allen
Drake University
Robbers Cave experiment was completed by Muzafer Sherif in order to question whether groups are able to work together for a common goal for the whole group. Muzafer showed us through 3 stages a) In group formation b) Friction phase c) integration stage. This experiment was made up of 22 Caucasian middle class boys who shared similar backgrounds coming from a two parent home and protestant background. The boys were complete strangers to one another. Through the experiments exercised you will see the outcome of different variables added to covey the studies purpose.
Theory Experiment The Robbers Cave experiment focused on a group of boys, how the groups are formed, and the hierarchies created within the group. Robbers cave also focused on what happens when the group comes into contact with other groups. The experiment added competition within in the group to discover a level of hierarchies in the group. Also the group conveyed a level of comradely within the group. The experiment divided the boys into 2 groups, in the beginning neither group knew the other group existed. The theory introduced the ideal of how groups deal with integration of another group with common goals. The In- group formation phase was used for the group to begin the bonding stage. The bonding between the boy’s help create an interrelation to one another. The group was also asked to label their group. Labeling helped the boy’s create an identity to help identify themselves with the group. The second phase is described as the Friction phase, at this point each group was able to acknowledge each group existed. During this time each group would engage in a series of competition that created a friction. There were prizes given to the group with the highest scores. This also led to the hierarches between the groups. The competition lasted for several days to build up a degree of frustration amongst the
References: Explorable.com [3] (Jun 25, 2010). Sherif’s Robbers Cave Experiment. Retrieved Mar 10, 2014 from Explorable.com: http://explorable.com/robbers-cave-experiment [4] Green, C. D. (n.d.). Intergroup conflict and cooperation: The robbers cave experiment. Retrieved from http://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Sherif/chap7.htm