California is home to several street gangs that identifies themselves with two of the most iconic African American street gangs in America. One group is the Grape Street Crips, which is located in the Watts part of Los Angeles. This group was originated within a little housing project that consisted majority of African Americans. This gang is considered to be one of the biggest Crip groups in the local area. There crimes include drug trafficking, murder, and theft. They have been in a violent war with the Bounty Hunter Bloods, which is another local gang.…
How crime investigators use biometrics to determine who is and who is not the perpetrator of a crime is they a RFLP analysis and DNA fragments are separated by gel electrophoresis.…
In this system, both the police and the eyewitness do not know who the suspect is, and the witness gets informed that the police are not aware of the suspect. This process would have led to identification procedure, one that would not be a flaw and had no suggestive cues. The police could also use other features such as asking suspects to change their clad and to repeat the lineup. This case also indicates that in some contexts, the criminal justice system is not fair or equal to all. The minority does not get the same services with the majority in the system. If the suspect was white, perhaps the police could recommend a DNA test at first to remove the uncertainty in the identification procedure. Nevertheless, the police ruled on racial lines possibly due to hate, or laziness to conduct thorough and informed investigations. However, this notwithstanding, the police failed to follow the law whereby all people are equal before the law regardless of their race or social…
In the 1880’s, American industry grew due to many factors including “the emergence of a talented and often ruthless group of entrepreneurs” (Brinkley 396). According to those in favor of these entrepreneurs, these men worked hard, innovated technology and strategized competitively to transform the American economy; these “Captains of Industry,” such as Andrew Carnegie, Cornelius Vanderbilt, J Pierpoint Morgan and John D. Rockefeller, used their wealth to help their communities and should be honored for their philanthropy. An advocate for these entrepreneurs is John S. Gordon. As a specialist of business and financial history, Gordon claims…
On the first half of the interview, Cox and Allison, were certain about their testimony. After long hours of interrogation, the two witnesses have complied with the police’s story to avoid conflict and to be released from custody. The witnesses have also become suggestible during the interrogation, they have answered falsely in some leading questions to please the interviewer. An interview with an should not give any kind of stress to the witness. The police should help the witnesses remember by keeping them relax and asking relevant questions instead of using the coercive Reid…
Such questions include; how he or she knew the victim. This would determine the relationship between the victim and the suspect, if he or she knew the suspect very well, in passing, or if he or she were just an acquaintance. Asking the suspect where he or she was during the time of the crime determines an alibi. After the questioning is completed, based on the answers he or she is either let go or detained until further notice from the…
The pressure a witness feels in a lineup to choose a suspect can be a great one. Often times the witness looks to the police officer for guidance. When a witness is not sure they may identify a suspect and after ask the police officer how well they did and if they choose the right person. When conducting a lineup, a police officer should be careful not to give feedback or confirmation. When a police officer simply says “good job” even if the witness chooses wrong, it can cause a huge confident boost. When its time for the trial the witness is more likely to make the same mistake again (Clare, 2012, para. 7). When conducting a lineup, the police should use the Blind or Blinded Administration method. In this method the police officer does not know anything about who the suspect is. This will prevent any suggestive or…
When John Doe was arrested and brought to the police station, then first thing that should be done is to process John Doe or booked. During the booking process the police would document personal information, take photographs, and have John fingerprinted. During the booking process questions are asked, such as, your name, place of birth, birth date, height,…
In this court case, the eyewitness identification of the truck was vital to the initial traffic stop of the vehicle. The 911 caller’s identification of the vehicle played a key role in the court as it served as evidence against the petitioners, so if the caller’s description of the vehicle was not accurate, the right truck would not have been found or the case could be dropped. In a study performed by Neil Brewer and Gary L. Wells, they identified several variables that impact the witness’s accuracy and instill a bias against the suspect. Some of these variables include cross-racial identification and poor lighting (Brewer & Wells, 2011). The cross-racial bias is when someone of one race is able to more easily identify another member of their own race, and their ability to identify someone of another race is impaired (Rutledge, 2016). In an effort to decrease the prevalence of the cross-racial bias, psychologists have recommended the use of double-blind lineups to hopefully discourage the administrator of the lineup from involuntarily indicating the witness to the suspect. Some prime routes to consider when trying to advance in the accuracy of eyewitness identification are decreasing the certainty of variables to explain the identification performance, and the inadequacy of scrutinizing interactions…
In our society today many innocent people have been sent to jail on false identification by victims or witnesses. We will be identifying the ethical issues within the field of criminal investigation as applied to wrongful conviction based upon tainted or faulty line-ups. Addressing the ethical responsibilities of law enforcement in their requirements for fairness and responsibility to ensure there are no wrongful convictions based upon false identification. Identifying the processes utilized by law enforcement in the identification of suspects. Also to consider individuals making identifications, do so in error at times, others intentionally, or are led by law enforcement through improper actions, such as prejudicial line-ups or photo arrays.…
Everyone should strive to improve their performance. Organisations also strive to improve the performance of the whole of their workforce. As an individual, the purpose of continuously improving our performance at work is to make ourselves a more valuable employee who is more efficient and reliable. As a consequence of our improved performance, the organisation will also be more efficient and effective.…
Crime seems to be on a rise, from low poverty areas to the white collar vicinities. Today’s technology however, is assisting with the apprehension of criminals through the means of cameras, computers, fingerprinting and others. However, something that technology cannot help with is to identify the exact actions of individuals, nor can you duplicate what is seen by others. Eyewitnesses are so important when it comes to the criminal process. It’s vital for individuals to give accurate account of crimes witnessed. It is just as important for those that are gathering the information, or witness statements, to assess each eyewitness correctly, for that statement can put an innocent man in jail and a criminal back in the streets.…
The criminal justice systems in Australia and throughout the world rely on evidence to prosecute persons suspected of a crime. Previously, criminal investigators relied upon eyewitness accounts for their investigations though psychological research shows that eyewitness testimony is not always accurate and should not be used in the criminal justice system as a sole piece of evidence (Sangero & Halpert, 2007). Numerous research papers and articles have cautioned the use of eyewitness testimony due to many cases solely basing their verdict from this evidence. In light of DNA evidence, many convicted of a criminal offence have been exonerated of their sentences. The use of identification tests found in numerous papers clarifies why witness testimony can be inaccurate and unreliable. Experiments made throughout the years testing eyewitness accounts delve into factors…
9. Which stage in the criminal justice process involves taking pictures and fingerprints of a suspect?…
Eyewitness Misidentification alone is the greatest cause of wrongful convictions nationwide, playing a role in 72% of convictions. It’s unbelievable because research shows that memory is malleable and that an eye witness who is uncertain, can become much more certain over time. I also learned that when an eyewitness identifies a suspect it’s possible the police unconsciously provides information to them. Officers also try and use one suspect in multiple procedures with the eyewitness and that will increase the witness’s confidence to…