Professor Turk
Engl 1302.40
25 April 2014
Analysis of “The Road Not Taken”
Everyone’s been faced with a choice to make. Whether the choice can make a big or little impact on our lives, it’s still a choice none the less. How we view and accept the outcome of our choice is what’s important. In “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, Frost decides to take the path less traveled by, and instead of accepting his outcome he wishes to change his path.
Frost tells of how he takes the road with the “better claim because it was grassy and wanted wear”(7). He believes his choice to take the road less traveled by is a good decision. Taking the road less traveled by can lead to new discoveries or a better outcome for your life. As Frost is taking the road less traveled by, he begins to think that the path he is traveling is just as worn out as the other path, and that the sun lays equally on both paths(10-11). He’s starting to think that maybe there isn’t a difference between the two paths; Frost contradicts himself. Stating that both of the paths are the same suggest that there is no difference between the paths, and Frost didn’t take the path less traveled by. Frost simply took …show more content…
Frost has already started out on one path, and once you start on one path you can’t change your mind and turn around. Frost knows he will never be able to go back and take the other path, that is why he doubts if he’ll ever come back to the other path(15). Frost knows when people start off on one path, they continue down that path until the end(14). Once a choice is made, there’s no going back. Frost wants to go back to the other path only because he’s afraid that he choice the wrong path to take in the beginning. Frost believes that if he goes back and take the other path, that his life will be different or the outcome of taking the other path will be different from the