prefers. Robert Frost states, “Then took the other, just says fair and having perhaps the better claim, because it was grassy and wanted wear;” (stanza 2, line 8/9). People see this in their life, they choose the newest, most attractive thing among the other choices. Robert Frost was saying that whoever was looking at these roads, looked at the other road just the same as other one, but one of them was grassy and wanted wear. This shows that whoever took it, chose the road that not everyone took. They chose to go on their own path and not do what everyone else did and take a different road. Making our own choices and not following “the crowd” will make us unique and teach us to broaden our horizons. And to take on new challenges or engage in new experiences. The last way Robert Frost shows choice is through choosing one choice out of all of the choices.
“The Road Not Taken” states, “And sorry I could not travel both and be one traveler long I stood”(stanza 1, line 2/3). This is a good example of making a choice, but Robert Frost does not give us evidence of the outcome of the choice, but in most situations you can only make one choice.When we have choices we can only choose one choice, therefore some options take time and thought and other don't. But not all choices are good, and not all choices will turn out the way you would like them to. Life goes from one way to another, we can see How we question to ever go back and change our
decisions. After reading this poem, I think people can walk away with a few things to keep in mind. One of the things is that instead of judging you choices, to dig deeper and look into them. Also not every choice is going to be a good choice and be the correct one, we question to go back and change our choices. And lastly doing something that not everyone is doing is ok, and it can change everything.