“Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Robert Frost and “Seasons of Gold” by Claudia Martell, Nevaeh Bruck, and Aaron Grant both have similarities and differences. Some are easy to spot and are hard to spot. Robert Frost uses longer and complicated words, while Claudia, Nevaeh, and Aaron use concise words. First of all, “Nothing Gold Can Stay” and “Seasons of Gold” have different meanings, one example is “ Nature’s first green is gold, her hardest hue to hold.” This means that nothing new will always have its characteristics.…
To me, the poem appears to be comparing our youthful years as being as valuable as gold. We are to enjoy our time when we are young for it is the "…hardest hue to hold…" on to. It is also saying that our childhood years are very short and feels like "…but only so an hour…" As we grow older, our garden of "…Eden sank to grief…" The beginning of our life will quickly end as "…dawn goes down to day…" So in the end "…nothing gold can stay…" which refers to the end of our innocence. (All quotes taken from…
“Nothing Gold Can Stay” is a modernist work because it has rejection of sentimentality and artificiality by saying nothing gold or good can stay. In this poem it says at the start everything is gold or perfect then it goes away in the end which has loss of faith. It is rejecting Eden as a hero and who is flawed.…
The poem “ Nothing Gold Can Stay” relates to real life because the paris attack at the outdoor concert by ISIS(www.CNN News.com) that has a big impact on real life. Because all of the people that were lost in the attack were gold to someone . And sadly they got killed so they couldn’t stay on earth for that long so there for the theme nothing gold can stay comes into play. The theme is trying to describe to people that the best things in life may not always stay there or be there when you need them the most.…
In the poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” the themes of youth & Innocence are conveyed throughout the poem. In the text the elements of title, setting/imagery, author's presentation of information, and ideas are used to express the theme in the poem. In the poem the author uses the element of the title to relate to the themes of innocence and youth because the title means, nothing good lasts…
Firstly, the color gold is used several times throughout the novel to exemplify wealth, happiness, success along with the value of opportunity. In…
"Sonnet 15" is one of 154 surviving sonnets written by literary idol William Shakespeare. The sonnet describes the fatalistic loss of perfection through time in much the same way Robert Frost does in his poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay". Shakespeare goes further with his description by describing how man fights the inevitable loss of perfection and beauty. My surmise is that Shakespeare holds a position that everyone should hold.…
The poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Robert Frost relates to the Outsiders by S.E Hinton. Johnny was known as a gentle person, but when he killed Bob, everything changed. He and Ponyboy had a decent life, but now they had to run and hide in a church. The poem was probably put in the story to show that change can happen fast and that positive things may come to an end. For example, when Ponyboy and Johnny thought they were safe in the church a fire occurred all of a sudden.…
The reference to Robert Frost's poem, "Nothing Gold Can Stay" is introduced by Ponyboy, as he recites it to Johnny in the Windrixville Church.…
To paraphrase this poem, it is about two neighbors who annually meet to fix the wall that divides them. One neighbor thinks that the wall is unnecessary, especially because they do not have anything that needs to be contained like animals. However, the other neighbor believes the wall should remain, and keeps repeating the phrase, “Good fences make good neighbors.”…
As Johnny had said to Ponyboy “stay gold” which refers to when Ponyboy recites the poem “ Nothing gold can stay” to Johnny in the church. The qualities that I feel allow me to stay gold were passed down to me at a young age. The strength and values being passed down from generation to generation feel as though they have grown stronger with time. My golden qualities are that I’m honorable, I’m ethical, and a nurturer.…
Frost explains that nothing, especially that which is perfect and beautiful, can last forever. Frost says, "Nature's first green is gold, her hardest hue to hold, Her early leafs a flower, but only so an hour," meaning that "gold" is considered beautiful and perfect but is the hardest to keep. Gold will only last a short time. The above quote from the poem also means that the best things in life, represented by gold, can't last forever as represented by the second line of the poem. The poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost holds several meanings that relate beauty to life, staying young and beautiful, and that perfection is only temporary and easily lost. The poem also related to the novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton as well.…
The author reveals the message of the poem when he says "Nothing gold can stay because it is saying that nothing can stay or last forever just like gold"…
Robert Frost makes an allusion to an accident that happened in Vermont back in 1916. He chooses to make an allusion back to Shakespeare's Macbeth. The allusion refers to the queen's life quickly ending after her chop to her head. She quickly bleeds to death. In "Out, Out," the boy carelessly drops the buzz saw after being distracted by a time of fulfillment known better as supper. Soon realizing the carelessness of his mistake, pleads to his sibling to not allow the doctor to amputate his appendage. The sunset alludes to the coming of darkness, known as death. The allusion also set irony to the setting, because sunset can also display a calm, serene atmosphere. The buzzing and rattling of the buzz saw represents the harsh labor the boy was forced to endure. Buzzing is the actual work and the rattling is the idle time between. The mountain acts as a barrier so that no noise or external factors can interfere with the coming disaster. Frost adds a tidbit more of irony when the boy's "rueful laugh" expels from his mouth, because rueful inspires pity but laughing represents glee.…
Robert Frost wrote Nothing Gold Can Stay in 1923, five years after WWII. His original poem contained more ideas about the world wars. He felt the need to change it because the first version contained a lot about the world ending and it scared people.…