Throughout the next couple of days the shipmate spent their time nursing the stranger. Eager for this stranger to talk the shipmate had question about this stranger like who is he where his from and how did he end up on that huge sheet of ice. Walton sees that this man is still fragile so he prevents his men from troubling this man with a load of questions. As time went on Walton establish a friendship with stranger and the stranger being to tell Walton about his life. The stranger that Walton and his men had found was Victor Frankenstein who would narrate the following letters that was sent to Walton sister. Victor begin to tell Walton about his childhood in Geneva with his adopted sister Elizabeth Lavenza and friend Henry Clerval, Also how his mother had die of an illness right before he went off to school , He went on to say how he attend the university of ingolstadt to study natural philosophy and chemistry. Where he then isolated his self from his family, friends and studies he becomes obsess with the discoverer of the secret life after years of researching he is certain that he has found it. With the knowledge that Victors spent months alone in his apartment where he created a monster that was formed by different human body
Throughout the next couple of days the shipmate spent their time nursing the stranger. Eager for this stranger to talk the shipmate had question about this stranger like who is he where his from and how did he end up on that huge sheet of ice. Walton sees that this man is still fragile so he prevents his men from troubling this man with a load of questions. As time went on Walton establish a friendship with stranger and the stranger being to tell Walton about his life. The stranger that Walton and his men had found was Victor Frankenstein who would narrate the following letters that was sent to Walton sister. Victor begin to tell Walton about his childhood in Geneva with his adopted sister Elizabeth Lavenza and friend Henry Clerval, Also how his mother had die of an illness right before he went off to school , He went on to say how he attend the university of ingolstadt to study natural philosophy and chemistry. Where he then isolated his self from his family, friends and studies he becomes obsess with the discoverer of the secret life after years of researching he is certain that he has found it. With the knowledge that Victors spent months alone in his apartment where he created a monster that was formed by different human body