2. Acknowledge that the cause is not apt to go away, but find ways to dodge the consequences.…
3. What do you recommend be done in this situation? What is your rationale for choosing this one? Why weren’t the other ones chosen? Be specific….…
1. When you set your mind to something it can be done, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.…
12. Lower Your Standard Of Living Until You Have To Wealth To Enjoy It Fully…
4. The only thing that matters in life is how good you are at making money.…
6. Do you feel another reaction or approach could be used in reacting to rules you do not like?…
4. The ability to control one’s arrogance and hubris is a life-long battle humanity must wage to…
3. Action planning: goals are better achieved when there is a set plan, so it’s a good thing to set out…
21. Write down your closing statement I can’t come up with that yet, I’m still knocking around a few…
14. No matter how much intelligence you have, there is always room for improvement. T…
15. We know our identity when we are happy with ourselves, not how people view us.…
K. Blanchard, M. Blanchard, and Zigarmi (2010), in their leadership point of view discussion, determined that the leadership point of view is guided by eight questions:…
9. Most of the workers are young (high school/college age) and seem to be (friends) with the customers.…
16-Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond to get a job done.…
23. Good people, when they try to practice, will be cut off from the world…