injured from playing a sport and never being able to play the sport again),stress (school, work, life event.), grief or difficult life circumstances (a loss of a child, sibling, parent, spouse, etc.) People that you would never ever think have or have suffered from depression have. The number of patients diagnosed with depression rises 20% each year, and 80% of patients go without treatment, causing the rate of suicide to increase.
There is no area of your life that will not suffer when a person has depression. Marriage, parenting, careers, friendships, finances, literally every aspect of their daily life is consumed by this awful disease. People with depression NEED treatment, they need therapy not pills to swallow everyday and just shut up about how they’re feeling, that won’t help them! We are all human and it should be okay to talk about our feelings and not keep them bottled up, because that is what every single human being does, they keep their feelings inside because it isn’t okay to talk about your feelings, but yet people get mad when other people are always sad and when they try to talk about their feelings they just get ignored, everyone needs attention, especially about their feelings. You can’t just give someone a pill and just expect them to “get better” because it won’t make them better, it will simply make them feel better and possibly happy for a few hours, and then, the pill wears off.
Feelings of depression can include feeling sad or “blue”, hopelessness, guilt, moodiness, and angry outbursts.. Depression may make people have a loss of interest in their friends, family, their favorite activities including sex. They may have trouble concentrating, trouble making decisions, trouble remembering, thoughts of harming theirselves, and dellusions or hallucinations. Their behaivors could possibly be withdrawing from people and only wanting to be alone, missing work, school, family events, etc. and attempts to harm theirselves.. Physical problems that go along with depression are tiredness and/or lack of energy, unexplained aches and pains, changes in appetite, weight loss r weight gain, and either getting too little sleep or too much sleep.
Substance abuse takes a big role in either causing depression or being one of the results or having epression. substance abuse can cause depression and depression can cause substance abuse, How does substance abuse cause depression? There are a number of drugs that people use and abuse that can directly affect the brain and cause depression. For example, marijuana slows down brain functioning and diminishes cognitive abilities and can cause depression in a significant number of individuals. Alcohol can do the same. Cocaine tends to elevate people's moods, and when they come off it, they often experience a crash into depression. And there is a whole long list of other frequent drugs of abuse that also can lead to depression either during the time when the individual is intoxicated with the drug or during the withdrawal phase. Now, how does depression lead to substance abuse? Many individuals with depression are attempting to self-medicate themselves. They have difficulty either accepting that they're depressed or recognizing that what they're experiencing is depression and can be treated with medications or psychotherapy. So many people turn to substances, whether it's alcohol or other drugs of abuse to actually change how they feel. In some cases, they are able to change how they feel in the short run, but in the long run, they create much worse problems for themselves, as the drug of abuse often worsens the depression and causes addiction.
I wanted to research about Robin Williams and his depression and suicide, but later found that he suffered from Lewy body dementia, is the second most common type of progressive dementia after Alzheimer's disease dementia.
Protein deposits, called Lewy bodies, develop in nerve cells in the brain regions involved in thinking, memory and movement. Lewy body dementia causes a progressive decline in mental abilities. People with Lewy body dementia may experience visual hallucinations, and changes in alertness and attention. Which ultimatley could have caused him to become depressed. “The Marin County coroner said the official cause of death was suicide by hanging. Williams had no alcohol or drugs in his system and only normal levels of prescribed medications. Williams suffered from chronic depression and was diagnosed with Parkinsons disease in November 2013.” (WebMD article) Patients with Lewy body dementia are sometimes misdiagnosed with Parkinson's, which can lead to doctors to prescribe medications that make Lewy body dementia sypmtoms worse. Williams’ family believed that the Lewy body dementia caused his suicide but a resource said as that could be possible it would be unusual, because suicide does not usually occur in Lewy body dementia patients. We may never know the reason for Robin Williams’ death, but that shouldn’t matter, we should try to rememeber the good childhood and adulthood memories we all had of Robin