10 February 2015
Late Renaissance Literature
Mrs. Folkerts
Robinson Crusoe Essay
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe delivers a firsthand account about the time in Robinson Crusoe’s life during which he found himself stranded alone on an island off the coast of Trinidad. Throughout the twenty-seven years he spent stranded on the island, Crusoe undergoes a plethora of changes as an individual, both positive and negative. Three positive and prodigious changes underwent by Crusoe were his acceptance of Jesus Christ as his Savior, his newfound affirmative outlook on situations in his life, and his capability to survive frugally upon the island. As is the case with many individuals who land in situations where their life is on the line, they find themselves calling out to God in desperation and they become aware of the fact that they have needed Christ in their lives from the genesis of their existence. Robinson Crusoe was no exception to this commonality. Prior to his violent arrival on the island, which in due course he bestows the name, “Island of Despair” (Defoe, 53), Crusoe possesses only a smidgen of regard for Christianity. Calling on God only when convenient for himself, he soon forgets about Jehovah, whom he expected so much from, yet granted such petite attention and regard to. As is seen when Crusoe encounters his first storm out at sea. It is so terrible, and it frightens him so extensively that he makes many “vows and resolutions” (5) amidst the storm, one of which was a plea to God. Crusoe vows, “if it would please God here to spare my life this one voyage, if ever I got once my foot upon dry land again, I would go directly home to my father, and never set it into a ship again while I lived;…” (5). As God would have it, He spared Crusoe’s life on that voyage, yet, not long after the passing of the storm, Crusoe dismisses his vow entirely. “In a word, as the sea was returned to its smoothness of surface and settles calmness by the abatement of that storm… I entirely forgot the vows and promises that I made in my distress.” (6) However, following many more miraculous blessings and provisions from God throughout the beginning of his time upon the island such as the grain growing from rocky soil (57), Crusoe finally fulfills the vow he made to God during his first tempest out at sea, and accepts Christ as his savior. Ensuing his acceptance of Christ as his savior, as the Bible says transpires when an individual is actively seeking to better his relationship with God, Crusoe’s outlook on life alters to a more Godly perspective. Originally, Crusoe is particularly unhappy at being shipwrecked on the island. He said, “Upon the whole, here was an undoubted testimony, that there was scarce any condition in the world so miserable…” (48) With this new perspective on life however, he discovers himself indentifying the positive aspects of situations as opposed to the negative. For example, following his “…daily [reading] the word of God, and [applying] all the comforts of it to my present state.” (82) Crusoe began to view his “solitary condition” (83) as an opportunity to “… [give] thanks to God for opening my eyes, to see the former condition of my life, and to mourn for my wickedness, and repent.” (83) Likewise, during the twenty three years upon the island, Crusoe becomes significantly acquainted with Friday and was beginning to “…instruct him in the knowledge of the true God.” (158) He once again views his captivity in a positive light saying, “My grief set lighter upon me, my habitation grew comfortable to me beyond measure; and when I reflected that in this solitary life which I had been confined to, I had not only been moved my self to look up to heaven, and seek to the hand that had brought me there, but was now to be made an instrument under Providence to save the life, and, for ought I knew, the soul of a poor savage [Friday]…” (161). Saving a soul and maintaining it holy and pleasing unto the Lord is a difficult battle in itself. Maintaining your physical body alive after undergoing “…eight and twenty years, two months, and nineteen days…” (204) stranded (alone nearly the entire time) on an island, is an entirely different and difficult battle. For Robinson Crusoe, he fights both battles simultaneously and alone. The Bible and prayer, both which are easily accessible to Crusoe, are sufficient for him to feed and guard his soul. Feeding and protecting his physical body however, did not come as easily for him. “…I began to look round me to see what kind of place I was in, and what was next to be done, and I soon found my comforts abate, and that in a word I had a dreadful deliverance: for I was wet, had no clothes… nor anything to eat or drink… neither did I see any prospect before me, but that of perishing with hunger…” (34) After taking many trips to the wrecked ship which he arrived on, Crusoe manages to acquire tools and supplies to build shelters and to maintain himself. Nevertheless, this is not to say that he brought into possession every supply he could have wanted, “… I wanted many things… this of ink was one, as also spade, pick axe, and shovel to dig or remove the earth, needles, pins, and thread…” (47) Despite lacking the proper supplies, through hard work, diligence, and perseverance, Crusoe manages to survive frugally and construct himself two shelters, “my country-house and my sea-coast-house” (74), an enclosure where he breeds goats, “…I had my enclosures for my cattle, that is to say, my goats.”, and cloth himself in goats’ skin (109). Much can be learned and drawn from the story of Robinson Crusoe and all of his adventures. His soul was saved, his attitude and outlook toward life changed to a positive viewpoint, and he also learned to make the most of the little his hand was dealt. All in all, Robinson Crusoe’s greatest years of life took place (ironically) upon the Island of Despair.