Ragtime an African American style, included a pianist, banjos, or the band. Ragtime has a direct effect on the rock music from the start, because of the fun energy and vibe the style gave off. The encouragement on the development of stride piano, soon became a segment of many Rhythm and blues piano styles used in the rock music industry today.
Blues, was also a huge impression towards rock music. Blues started from the roots in Africa, …show more content…
but also was in parts of Arabia, Spain, and the Middle East. Many blues style songs include work songs, when men during their day labor jobs would sing to east though their work day. The singing started from the field holler, also known as working slaves. Blues varies in style from field holler blues, country blues, delta blues, twelve bar blues, and of course class blues. The development of rock music came from the motivation of instrumental, vocal, and dance styles. That had started the nationwide trend of Tin Pan Alley Songs or the swing bands in the sixties.
However, through the development of rock music several technical innovations were one of the main improvements for the rock industry. The dramatic movement had changed the quality of the sound of music forever. Recording, several musicians began to record their own music to create sound effects also known as autotuned. One of the echo effects includes over-dubbing, to enhance already prerecorded music. Lip sync also soon became the new fad, used on television and live with the lip sync recordings. 5 Glenn C. Altschuler, All Shook Up: How Rock 'N' Roll Changed America, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003)
The movement of racial segregation, had a major impact on rock music. During this time rock In' roll became a dividing and uniting force. It pitted parents, the mass media, and the government against teenagers, and at the same time helped erode some of the prejudices felt towards African Americans. Parents disliked the influence and message behind rock In' roll. They disliked the sexuality of the lyrics and of the performers, they disliked the fact that the music came directly from African Americans regardless of if it was a white performer who recorded the song, and they disliked the rebellious nature that the music was accused of inspiring. One of these acts of rebellion was a changing attitude toward African Americans, amongst teenagers, which at times happened blatantly, but often times took place subconsciously. White teenagers listened to music not just inspired by, but often performed by African Americans. By doing this they embraced a part of culture that seemed or in many households actually was forbidden. The popularity of rock music did not call for the dependence of color, more than the great music that was playing. Music was for everyone, from different background to enjoy as a whole. They went to concerts where performers and parts of the audience were black. They watched movies such as
Blackboard jungle (1955) that showcased integration in schools and inspired youth to question authority. In the 1950s, rock In' roll was able to do what jazz couldn't when it created a common culture amongst white and black teenagers. This was made possible by the advent of the radio, the availability of records, the television, and the population movement and societal changes of the 1950s. The common culture of rock 'n' roll helped to erode long standing prejudices felt towards African Americans. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2000), 20.
Country music had its own switch on the influence of rock and roll. Several of the first forms of country music were called hillbilly. The name came from the backwoods southerners, found in mountainous regions. Johnny Cash, and Hank Williams Jr are two of the most widely known country musicians. (Vaillancourt, 8) Although, Johnny Cash could be known as oldies rock, Johnny Cash had a hit song “Boy named Sue” was played on all the rock stations at the time. The basis for early rock music known as western swing and hillbilly boogies. The other effect country music had on rock was the amplified instruments used, that soon became important to country rock in the last 60’s.
Elvis Presley, known for the best early rock and roll singers to ever live. Elvis himself had brought in a style and various new trends that took a huge influence on rock music. His music was known as rockabilly, country with a twist of rock. His image as a performer stimulus for various musicians, also a living legend of rock music. Buddy Holly quotes “without Elvis, none of us could have made it.”
Buddy Holly was one of the first rock guitarists to play on an electric guitar with a solid-body frame. He was another important innovator of rock music, because of his influence from Elvis Presley (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2000), 20.
Woodstock had its own influence on today’s music industry.
Where “Sex, drugs, and rock and roll” is a well-known phrase in the music industry. The rock and roll stereotype came from the starting of Woodstock. Drugs were an effect on rock singers, contributing to varied factors. During Woodstock era sex and drugs was a free for all, it was a social norm for the laid back hippie culture. Several artists suffered from drug and alcohol addiction, such as Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Janis Joplin, and several others. Rosenberg, Jennifer. "What Happened at the Groovy Woodstock Festival of 1969?"ThoughtCo. N.p., 12 Mar. 2014. Web. 02 May 2017. Today’s Woodstock would be Coachelle, Lollapalooze, and the burning man festivals. People known as hipsters gather once a year for concerts, including sex, drugs, and rock and roll. The Woodstock had, such as huge impact on rock music that various festivals are coping the Woodstock era into their festive. Although, the festivals are not responsible for the careless behavior, it has been a contributing factor. Lassiter, Sean. "Influence of Rock and Roll." Rock & Roll: An Influence on POP CULTURE. N.p., 24 Dec. 2011. Web. 02 May 2017.
Rock and roll for countless is just a way of impression of style, recognized by a heavy beat and melodies. Blues, country, and rhythm have all gave the inspiration the style of rock and roll originating from the 1950’s. Rock and roll impacts can be tracked from Africa, Europe, back to America. As the dissimilar culture unites together, so did their styles of music. From soul to heavy metal is just a way rock music itself has reformed over the decade from the