The 3D model generation processes automatically, including determination of camera calibration parameters, keypoint extraction, image matching and dense point cloud generation. However, the 3d models generated through the automated process do not give high accuracy since it does not emphasize metric accuracy. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to enhance rock art documentation by using multispectral photogrammetry. This research will focus on multispectral camera calibration techniques and photogrammetry network design in the application of rock art documentation. The first phase will design camera calibration method by using collinearity equation, as well as band-to-band registration problem. The second phase of this study will focus on photogrammetry network design to develop appropriate measurement techniques using multispectral cameras and processed using the SfM / MVS photogrammetry
The 3D model generation processes automatically, including determination of camera calibration parameters, keypoint extraction, image matching and dense point cloud generation. However, the 3d models generated through the automated process do not give high accuracy since it does not emphasize metric accuracy. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to enhance rock art documentation by using multispectral photogrammetry. This research will focus on multispectral camera calibration techniques and photogrammetry network design in the application of rock art documentation. The first phase will design camera calibration method by using collinearity equation, as well as band-to-band registration problem. The second phase of this study will focus on photogrammetry network design to develop appropriate measurement techniques using multispectral cameras and processed using the SfM / MVS photogrammetry