“Rocket Myanmar”
1. Current innovative and creative management processes
The success of every organization highly depends on the novel creative and innovative ideas in highly competitive environments. Creativity is the ability to generate innovative ideas and obvious them from thought into reality. Innovation means applying those thoughts in to work. Innovations don’t always have to be completely new ideas. The term innovation rather means the implementation of something new and results in a noticeable improvement for the user. There are different forms of corporate innovations: Product innovation, Process innovation, Market innovation, Structural innovation and Cultural innovation. (Disselkamp, 2005).
A commonly used classification for innovations is the product/service and process. Product innovations are tangible objects that deliver a new level of performance to adopting users. Service innovations are intangible methods of serving users with a new level of performance. Process innovations deliver a new level of performance to the method by which a company operates. Process innovations can increase bottom-line profitability, reduce costs, improve efficiency, improve productivity, and/or increase employee job satisfaction.
Organisation takes the support of innovative management in terms of running their business and serves their customers in a better and innovative ways. Portfolio management is the tool that creates understanding of innovative management better. Portfolio Management Processes consists of three components – incremental, radical and fundamental. Incremental innovation is the refinement, improvement, and exploitation of existing innovations. Radical innovations can define the innovations with features offering dramatic improvements in performance or cost, which result in transformation of existing markets or creation of new ones.
“Rocket Myanmar” is first mover of Internet business industry in Myanmar. It was founded in
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