In lieu of our previous meeting regarding the RocketKids incident, I decided I would write this email to you. Throughout our meeting, you expressed your disappointment in Rachael and I, as well as your dissatisfaction with our behavior. I am not writing this to change those feelings, I'm writing this to inform you of my disappointment within this program and consequently, with you.
During our meeting, you reintroduced the hierarchy that is organized within this system. As you know, I’ve been working here for three years now. This hierarchy was never foreign to me, albeit you did introduce several interesting points.
1) The hierarchy establishes a line of responsibility and power, what I never realized that it …show more content…
You stated that we are all adults and should act like such. Bouncing off such concept, I'd appreciate the logical concept of being treated as an adult. At no point was I treated as such. Everyday feelings, ideas, and safety were jeopardized and ignored, this goes for me and my coworkers. You diminished these concerns, by labeling them as a simple “lack of communication and understanding”. Yet, when these issues were addressed, we were fed a sob story that ended with “this is who I am, so deal with it.” You noted that this is a professional setting, that is not how you professionally deal with complaints and concerns. Being treated as an adult doesn't entitle me too much, but it does entitle me to some sort of truth. That being said after speaking with the supervisor at Jim Ward, I learned that she observed some of our counselors neglecting to do their job at Rocket Kids. She identified Rachael and I, amongst others, as being excluded from that list. She states she told you that on the phone, and will tell you again if need be. While I don't believe that is necessary, I just want to note that you stated something completely the opposite in our meeting. Speaking of being treated as children, you said something to Kayla that didn't quite sit right with me. She asked you for advice on what to say to her mom, in order for her mom not to …show more content…
With that being said, if multiple staff have complained about one individual, shouldnt some sort of action been taken? On multiple occasions you said you are coming to deal with the situation, yet you never came. If you know your staff, especially rehires’, why would you not help them when they need assistance? Or believe them when they state there is an issue? Furthermore, I would also like to know how an individual with multiple DUI, assault, and battery charges, was hired to supervise a children's summer camp? Were you aware on several occasions he reeked of alcohol on the job? Mike, on more than one occasion, has ridiculed his assistant supervisors accent. Exclaiming “Shut that s*** up, nobody cares about that s***””Decide whether you want to speak english or patois”. Summer camp should be a safe space for kids and it's employees, not a place where we must hide our culture in fear of being ridiculed. This is not the message kids should leave each day with, yet it was the one they were forced to