Roe v. Wade, the court case to nationally legalize abortion, is one of the most ground-breaking Supreme Court cases throughout history. The legalization of abortion is a revolution in of itself; however, Roe v. Wade has also initiated a less expected revolution in the field of crime.
Many have tried to discover the reason why crime dropped so drastically in the 1990s. Trying to figure out what caused this decline in crime is like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle with a million pieces. All the pieces must fit exactly right to create the whole picture, and for a while the puzzle remained unfinished and incorrect. That is until Steven Levitt and his partner, John Donohue, found the missing …show more content…
When she became sexually attracted to women, her mother disowned her and took custody of Norma's first child. She then lived with her partner, Connie Gonzales in Dallas, Texas. Norma McCorvey converted to Christianity (influenced by Connie), and expressed her remorse for her part in Roe v. Wade. She then joined the pro-life movement in 1995, supporting the illegalization of abortion. Changing her mind again, Connie and her separated and she’s no longer attracted to woman, but she is a full time member at church.
Steven Levitt and John Donohue
Steven Levitt and John Donohue were the first to uncover the missing element to what caused the crime decline of the 1990s. Through a myriad of research, they have concluded that about fifty percent of the crime drop was initiated by Roe v. Wade's legalization of abortion. For this they have been greatly credited.
What lead up to Roe v. …show more content…
Two are the pro-life and pro-choice associations. Pro-life members are opposed to abortions, and believe strongly in the aspect of every child aborted is murdered. Pro-Choice members support abortion, and strongly disagree with Pro-life associations. Also, it caused harm to many; doctors were attacked or murdered, abortion clinics were bombed, and the amount of protests grew. There is still a huge controversy over the legalization of abortion, people still have there opinions and many are trying to make it illegal again; Roe v. Wade had and still has a huge impact on