Seminar on Aesthetics: Research Assignment - Essay
In 21st century, art is keeping pace with the technological evolution while taking advantage of it. Role and function of art has evolved, adapted and gained diversity in terms of interest, production, specialization and idea. Examination of personal, social and physical functions of art are going to be discussed with examples. While discussing assigned roles of today’s art and design, the subject will be clarified with author’s personal opinion. The core aim of this paper is to answer the question of “What is the role and function of art in the 21st century?”
21st century art is a growing field of practice, research and publication, with a lot of diversity in terms of conceptualization. This makes it a lot more interesting to study field of art today. In the early part of the 20th century, what we now call “Modern Art” became main stream and at a point it all started to look same old. Museums and exhibition environments use to be perceived as high class society by public which puts up a distance between art and the viewer. Other topics that were much-discussed in the late 20th century remain vital for the 21st century art and visual culture.
Art of the 21st century is affected by globalization. The world in which we live and work has become increasingly economically, politically, and culturally interconnected. Aided by internet and mass media, people can reach out to local art and artists via a device which has WI-FI or 3G. It is easier to follow development of art by monthly e-mail updates from different services. This incredible growth of interconnectivity emerges with a modern way of critical thinking and scholarly debate, and creates a whole new perspectives and ideas to their consumers. The increased movement of artists across borders and oceans has added to the intermixing of influences. Artist today