After I have entered in the closed files into the system I release the work order for the storage company to come and pick them up. The truck that this company uses can only store 180 boxes at a time and they usually take 2-5 days before they are able to make the pick up.
The process requires me to move boxes to a storage room to make space for new case files of active cases, the storage room houses up to 400 boxes. This past November I had 250 boxes to be closed and sent to off-site in storage and needed to pick over 300 boxes that were recently closed and need to be sent off to storage. I was getting more boxes in than out, and was not able to meet all the expectations that were required for me to do my job correctly. A possible way of Avoiding this is that I could come in on the weekend to finish entering the files into the data system and have them ready to be sent off quicker to have more room for incoming files. A role conflict is when the role demands of one status held by one person effect the role performance of another status held by that person. A role conflict I deal with constantly is between my status as a student and my status as a employee. The expectations as a student bleed into every aspect of my life, specifically work. Often I must choose which role performance must suffer in order to ensure that my role demand of the other status is
fulfilled. Deciding to stay late at work so I do not fall behind in closing files or leave early to have more time to complete my homework assignments and put in the time required for a good grade. I don't believe I see too many differences in society now compared to when I was a child; people have role conflicts and role strains everyday and have felt pressure from role expectations and role demands the same as I have. For me to say that I see a difference now compared to back then, would undermine that fact, and would be insinuating people fifteen years ago had it better than I do now as a student and employee in those areas.