Many people have hopes and goals that they would like to accomplish. They may desire powerful positions or jobs, while others may desire prosperity and riches. This is known as ambition, the spell binding force that leads people towards success. However, ambition may result in harmful acts to get their satisfaction. In William Shakespeare’s tragic play, Macbeth, the protagonist, Macbeth, is described as a very loyal and noble soldier. As the play progresses, Macbeth’s character dramatically changes because of several different factors. These factors influence Macbeth greatly and cause him to make numerous bad decisions. The influence of the witches’ prophecies, the influence of Lady Macbeth, and Macbeth’s blind ambitions are the most important factors that lead to Macbeth’s tragic deterioration.
In the beginning of the play, Macbeth shows high self esteem because he is appreciated and loved by everyone. Macbeth never even thought of changing his position in life. He seems completely satisfied being the thane of Glamis. However, he meets with the three witches; Macbeth’s life starts to change. After the witches inform Macbeth of his prophecies, his ambition start to accumulate. The witches greet him calling him “All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, thane of Glamis! All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, thane of Cawdor! All hail, Macbeth! that shalt …show more content…
Macbeth’s deterioration is greatly influenced by the three witches, Lady Macbeth but most importantly his strong ambition for power. Macbeth’s ambition takes control over his conscience and results in Macbeths making several bad decisions. However, without his strong desire for power he would never reach his dream of becoming king. Humans set goals for themselves that they want to reach but without any ambition it is difficult to accomplish. Ambition can take over a conscience and cause people to make harmful acts and may result in severe