Richard R. Henderson
Gwendoline Coleman
Deviant Behavior: Prostitution
Prostitution is deemed a deviant behavior all throughout many states in this country. In the eyes of the social norm and moral values, the act of prostitution by men or women is regarded as an act of forbidden behavior and the people that do these things are categorized within a social class deemed out of the social norm. By nature, people do not want to couple themselves with these people deemed out of the social norm out of fear of also being viewed as such simply because by association. It is common to see the outcast people who are thought to be acting in a deviant way to be rejected and looked down upon by society. …show more content…
The few states that have done this legalization of prostitution came to the conclusion that prostitution was in fact not a deviant act, instead they view it as an act between to consenting adults. In fact by legalizing prostitution, it helps the people carry out these actions by having strict rules, requiring mandatory sexually transmitted disease tests be done regularly, and it helps in the safety of both the prostitutes and patrons by requiring it be only done in a brothel where it is monitored.
The elements that have influenced the idea of prostitution being a deviant behavior derives from social factors such as peoples religion and also the way they were morally raised. People are shown and taught that the act of prostitution is morally wrong and that the ones that do act in such a way are to be deemed unacceptable