We can choose to change but must be given these opportunities at an early age, and this fact is true regardless of culture or values. In the recommendations listed above such opportunity for professional development would come later in one’s career, for example, reaching out to graduate schools, fellowships, and residences. Why not start sooner in undergraduate schools? This is when a student is most impressionable. These is also a point of discovery for many individuals, they find strength and abilities in themselves through the motivation, mentoring, and leadership provided by others. This measure of relationship building would combined recommendations in regards to giving future leaders a voice, and through interaction with future leaders. Starting the relationship process sooner would allow for strengthening of persuasion of individuals into health care careers, and help increase the potential for diversity in health care …show more content…
Mid-level managers have the ability and typically a general foundation of knowledge on how to fulfill executive level leadership roles. However, many may not have the support, mentoring, or confidence that may be needed to pursue those roles. Mid-level positions may also be a great start for diverse populations to step into high-level management position. We all have to start somewhere. Diversity in the workplace has a potential to grow through the means of starting at entry-level, and mid-level positions and with the proper influences help create an organization of many different backgrounds to support its demographics cultural needs. Following the diversity recommendations is a tool to help increase potential and opportunities for all individuals in an organization, regardless of size. It also can help in culturally strengthening any organization to meet the diverse population’s needs. This would be done by creating staff that understands, either through training or their own cultural experience the needs of its patients.