Here, in this article, an attempt has been made to turn the attention of the readers to the most crucial thing that is the importance of the English language in education or the advantages of learning English language (here, focus is not on any one of the particular countries where language is seen as a second language for communication or the language of the education etc, the topic here is described in a generalized manner).
Education is always given primary importance. Many of the countries across globe from time-to-time focus on some specialized programs which are aimed at increasing the literacy rate in their own country. Nobody can deny this that a man is what education makes him; a man can’t be able to perform successfully in any aspect of his life if he has not got any education. It is always a necessary thing and can’t even be overlooked anytime.
Importance of English education:
If we are here talk of whether global education or local education then one thing that we will find common in both is the use of the English language. Yes, many of the countries have long since started making use of the language and have even been promoting its use for the benefit of the education receiver. Here, a student, if studies from a medium which is not English then definitely he may face problems in future as the language which is useful for further studies is English.
English as a means of receiving global education:
If we here talk of the English language and the use of it as the medium of education then it can be said here that every country now has understood the significance of providing education to its citizens in English language. Now, every country instructs their edu governor or the edu representatives or the officials or the professionals to divert the attention of the students or the learners to the language which will be helpful not just in improving the standard of the one’s living