ENGR 1200
Dr. Farnsworth
Role of Ethics in the life of an Engineering Student
As a college student for the last 2 years, if there is one important thing that I have learned, it is to follow the ethical guidelines of your school. Moreover, maintain the ethical code throughout the semester and more specifically for every course. Now, as an engineering student at The University of Texas at Tyler, I have an Engineering Code of Ethics to follow. This, in my opinion, is the closest to an actual professional code I have seen thus far.
As a learned profession, engineering students are expected to show the upmost standards of integrity and honesty. Since this is the code that we will be following while providing services as an engineer, our complete honesty & fairness should be dedicated to the safety and welfare of the people. As an engineer, you are required to perform under a standard of professional behavior. It requires adherence to the highest principles of ethical conduct.
As students, we are to practice the Code of Ethics on both the college and the District level. Every student in the college/district is expected to represent himself respectfully, whether it is on paper or verbal. This representation calls for honesty of information on all forms, applications and official documentation. In addition, we are to behave respectfully faculty, staff, administrators, other students and visitors as we represent our college and district. Academic honesty and academic integrity are to be maintained at their highest standards. All of the student’s work should be original. No type of academic dishonesty is acceptable. This includes cheating or lying on any assignment, quiz or exam. Providing false information or making false statements is impermissible. Gaining an unfair advantage over other students by any means of cheating is also against the ethical conduct. Cheating furthermore includes plagiarism, which is when a student