The Role of Government in Zeitoun
In my eyes the government should put the people first 100% of the time. If leaders don’t make decisions based on what the people want, it leads to an unbalance and a disconnect between the people and government. That’s why so many people today distrust the government because they feels as if the government doesn’t represent them, like their voice isn’t heard. People in power should be the first ones to help in times of trouble. They should be a rock and bright light for those who feel hopeless. People in power should assist in every possible way in times of tragedy because its shows that you care about the everyday person, not just the person that cast a vote. In America, the President should be the one everybody can count on to be a symbol of hope and freedom. After all, the President is the leader of the free world. All in all, people in power should always have the best interest of the people in mind and should always be an honest and reliable outlet for their people.
In Zeitoun, the government isn’t reliable at all. It takes days at a times for help to come for those who were left behind and the government officials who are there mistreat and ignore the people of New Orleans like they are animals or a foreign species. The government’s role in the book is different from what I expect from people in people. At the end of the day, the government’s role is to rule and regulate among the people. Not take charge of the people it is a big difference. What I mean by rule and regulate is that the government should basically make life better for the people; regardless of whether it’s during times of tragedy or day to day operations. Government should help, maintain and restore not ignore, discriminate and make excuses. For example, during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, George Bush caught a bunch of backlash because of how long it took him to check on the city of New