The acquisition, utilization & development of financial, material, technological & market resources which may be exhaustible are dependent on human resources. If it’s available & capable, the other factors can be of great use to the organization.
Man does or undoes what exists; man creates or bypasses opportunities & scenarios. People power is the most significant & potent factor of all the resources available to an organization. On the other hand, superabundance of financial & material resources may go to waste if handled by an incompetent, inefficient & dishonest staff.
According to Tomas Andres, “The place of organizational objectives is largely attributable to successful human resource management.” John Clements pointed out that “..not only is sophisticated management recognizing that the people element is a significant resource, if not the single most important resources employed in our business..” As pointed out by Peter Drucker, an imminent management writer & philosopher,”.. the only resource which can have an output greater than the sum of its part is the human resource”.
The challenge of management is not so much in its money, machines, methods, markets but its people. There is no exact replacement for human resources as expressed by Dr. de Guia.
The main concept that underlies the practice of human resources management is that human beings are the most important & critical resource & asset in the growth & development of an organization. Both the individual & the organization interact with one another,