We believe knowledge is power and information is the key element of knowledge base. Today, development of an individual or a society is based on access to information. Unfortunately, the information and communication technologies favour the richer section or the urban areas. On the other hand, the village or the poorer segment remains, unreached by this scientific and technological advancement. as a result our productivity of land, water and labour is still poor. The poor people living in the rural areas need information on improved varieties of seed, vaccine and health care for the animals, disease management, policies, weather and climatic forecasts, crop management practices, etc. The urgency of the information to them is as acute as it could be for others. Yet, these are the people who have the least information.
What is ICT
ICTs are those technologies that can be used to interlink information technology devices such as personal computers with communication technologies such as telephones and their telecommunication networks. ICTs, therefore, is an expanding assembly of technologies that can be used to collect, store and share information between people using multiple devices and multiple media. The most common perception of ICT is that of computer and the internet, including common technologies of radio, television, telephone and fax system, video programme, teleconferencing, videoconferencing, wireless and satellite technologies being used in ICT activities.
Dairying in India
Dairying in India is an integral part of the total farming system. Symbiotic relationship exists between agriculture and dairy farming. According to estimates of the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO), the value of output from the livestock at current prices was about Rs. 173,350 crores in 2005-06. Milk accounted for 68 per cent of this output. It was higher than paddy