Assignment 1B
COIS20024—Systems Management Overview
Term 1, 2010
Prepared and Submitted by
Jessvin Roosevelt D’Souza
Tutor: Asif Syed
Due Date: 18 May 2010
Date Submitted: 18 May 2010
Executive summary
<Briefly describe the purpose of the report and the date on which it was requested, a brief summary of your major findings, conclusions, and recommendations >
Contents Introduction 1 Information System 2 Types of Information systems could be used to support ‘Ready to Eat’ 2 2. (a) Business Functions and the role of Information systems in a business 3 (b) Need of transaction Processing system (TPS) in a Business: 4 3. (a) Poter’s Competitive Forces Model: 4 (b) Role of Information System to counteract the competitive forces: 5 4. (a) Information Requirements of ‘Ready to Eat’ 6 (b) Business function to be computerised 6 5). Use of computer networks to improve collaboration and among key stakeholders 7 6. The management challenges affecting organisational change during the implementation of the computerised information system 8 7. Security and ethical issues due to the introduction of information systems in the business 9 Conclusion 10 Recommendations 10 References 11
The report aims to explain the importance of information system to fulfil the information requirements of the business. It explains the role of computer and information system to achieve operational excellence in business functions, competitive advantage and business expansion. It emphasises that the tools of information system like intranets and extranets can be used as measures of information. These tools are very helpful to provide ready information to the outside parties associated with business and management for various parties.
Ready to Eat is a sole business being managed and controlled by owner herself and with one kitchen hand who was
References: Huber,M.,Piercy,C., & Mc Keown,P.2007, Information Systems, John Witely & Sons USA. Ji, BS, Chao,SS & Min,FQ 2008, Systems plan for Combating Identity Theft-A Theoritical Framework, Journal of Science, Service & management, vol. 1, pp .143-152 Kawalek, J. Paul 2008, Re-thinking information Systems in Organizations, Routedge, New York. Laudon,K & Laudon ,J 2006, Management Information Systems, 10th edn, Prentice- Hall, New Jersey. O 'Brien, J & Marakas, G 2009, Management information systems, 9th edn, McGraw Hill, NewYork. Williamson,E., Harrison,D. & Jordan M.2004 Information systems development within supply chain management: International Journal of Information Management,Volume24, pp 375-385. Winter, J,Galio, C & Rajagopalan, H 2009, The Value of Information Systems to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Information and Communications Technologies as Signal and symbol of Legitimacy and Competitiveness, International Journal of E-Business Research,vol.5,no. 1,pp.65-91